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|Thea's POV|

It's been two days since that 'incident' with Erik happened.

Alessio told me he killed him yesterday after torturing him the previous days. He also told me that he has been torturing Luigi in the worst ways possible. I could never bring myself to go and see him.

Alessio said and I quote, 'It's you who will kill him, not I."  He and I have gotten even closer than we previously were but I don't know what that makes us.

I concealed the dragon tattoo on my wrist as I was going to the mall with Macy. The door to my room swung open and Macy stood there looking as happy as ever, "You ready to go?"

I nodded.

"Alessio is in his office. Let's go ask him...okay?" She asked to which I nodded again before we left. We walked towards his office.

Macy and I exchanged a look before I took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

"Come in." He said from inside. I turned the knob and walked in his office with Macy waiting outside. Alessio's head shot up, curiosity and confusion were clear on his face. "What do you two want?"

Macy cleared her throat, "you see...we are quite bored...and we want to go...you know, shopping...and hang out... just for a while."

Alessio switched his eyes from Macy to me, "two hours only."

"Three" I argued. He shook his head, "two."

"Two is too short!" I groaned, "three."

"Two hours and thirty minutes." He spoke through gritted teeth.

I shook my head, "two hours and forty five minutes."

"Two hours and forty minutes." He said, before shooting me a 'argue with me again and I'll kill you' look. I pursed my lips in a thin line before nodding, "two hours and forty minutes, it is!"

He then opened a drawer and took out what looked like a card. I heard Macy gasp beside me for I don't know what reason.

"Take this." He extended his hand with the card between his fingers. I cautiously took the card and blinked a few times to know that it wasn't a dream. He gave me a freaking Black Card!

"This is a black card..." I muttered to which he hummed, "spend as much as you want."

"I can't take this." I placed it back on his table and took a step backward. He then stood up, grabbed the card and walked towards me, "either you take this or you're not going anywhere." He took my hand and placed the card in it before going back to his seat.

"Just take it, girl! This is a freaking black card!" Macy whispered making me internally roll my eyes.

He then typed something on his phone before looking up at us, "four men will go with you two, just in case anything happens. Now, hand over your phone."

I was confused but I gave him my phone nonetheless. It was password protected but he unlocked it and looked at me with a smirk.

"How did you—" he cut me off, "I've saved my number in your phone. Call me if there's any problem at all. Alright?"

I nodded as he handed me back my phone. He saved his name as 'A'.  I thought he'd save it as Boss or something.

"Thank you" I said before leaving with Macy following behind. As soon as I closed the door to his office, Macy snatched the card from my hold and examined it, "this is precious. I've never held...scratch that I've never seen one before. It's no surprise that he's got one. He's rich as fuck. I bet his friends has them too, your new found brother included."

"Alright let's go." I put the card in my jeans' pocket before we left.


Macy and I walked in the mall with four tall and well built men dressed in black walking behind us. Many people were looking at us which was really uncomfortable but I wouldn't blame them.

I glanced behind me and saw the four men who were wearing dark glasses walking with their hands hanging to their sides. They were making no eye contact, and had no emotions present on their faces. They were scary.

Macy grabbed my hand and dragged me to a dress shop. My eyes fell on several beautiful dresses but I do not wear dresses unless I had a party to go or a wedding or something like that. The bodyguards waited outside while I sat on a couch there and waited as Macy tried on the dresses she liked one by one and asked for my opinion.

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