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After she told me the address, I thanked her before cutting the call. I then texted Sean to send me her number which he did.

I then started the car again and drove to the address she gave me. My men were following behind in other cars. I was not stupid to go there alone.

After a few minutes, we reached. I stepped out of the car and stared at the small club in front of me. It was in a deserted place and there were a lot of black vans and expensive cars parked in front of it.

I entered the club quietly. Everybody had their backs facing me as they were looking at the girls on the stage. The girls looked no older than twenty.

They had red and puffy eyes from crying and they were wearing short revealing underwears. Some had their hands chained behind their backs while some were trying to cover their body with their hands. It was evident that they were brought here against their will.

The stage was lit with white lights, clearly showing the girls and their faces while the rest of the place was dark with only neon lights swinging here and there. It was almost impossible to see the people present.

"Oh my god…" Igor breathed out beside me, "he's crazy! He's selling young girls…"

"I can see that, thanks." I replied sarcastically.

"And they say you're the monster." Igor muttered which I clearly heard but ignored. I turned to face him, "tell that to the others; on my signal, you guys shoot them all dead with your silencers except the girls and Luigi, of course."

They nodded before blending in. Nobody noticed our presence yet, the were too focused on the girls. I also blended in. I took a seat next to Luigi who had a woman on his lap. He didn't seem to notice that it was me.

I didn't say anything either. I waited.

Just then, a bald man walked on the stage and spoke in the mic, "Welcome to the LG club! My name is Diego. We are pleased to have you here with us. Let's start, shall we?"

Everyone clapped and laughed as a man pushed one girl in front of everyone else on the stage. Diego pointed to the girl who had tears sliding down her face. "First we have, Amelia Scott. She's American and a seventeen year old virgin! Bidding starts at twenty thousand dollars!"

Several men started raising her hands and shouting prizes out loud while Luigi was chuckling. I clenched my jaw, staring at the poor girl on the stage. Everytime a man would raise their hands, she would cry even more.

"Eight thousand dollars!" A man shouted and loud gasps were heard. That was expensive for them? Pathetic.

Diego grinned, "Eighty thousand one…eighty thousand two…eighty thousand three…Ms Amelia Scott sold to Mr Davis Walls!"

I looked up at Igor who was already looking at me. After a nod from me, he shot Diego dead.

That's when hell broke loose. The girls screamed while my men continued to shoot the other men present dead. Luigi was about to move when I pressed my gun his waist side. He slowly turned around and his eyes grew wide, "A-Alessio"

"That's me." I smirked, "now I would not advise you to move." He instantly nodded, "I won't move."

"I would, however, order your men to lock the doors and prevent anyone from leaving if I were you." I said calmly.

"Don't let anyone leave!" He instantly ordered his men who went to lock and guard the door. The men in the club started to panick as they watched the others fell on the ground, one by one, dead.

My men had no pity. They killed them all. When they were done killing the people, the killed the men who were guarding the door. The only people in the club were me, Luigi, my men and the girls.

"Free the girls, give them clothes and send them home." I ordered my men who nodded before approaching the girls calmly, raising their hands, telling them that they mean no harm.

When I took over the Russian Mafia, I changed the entire way of living of these men. They would torture women and use them for their own pleasure but I changed that. Those who changed joined me but those who did not, joined hell.

"Now, Luigi, let's have a talk, you and I." I said, "I know you've got weapons on you. But you should know that you are alone against me and my men. I'll end you if you even think of attacking me. Are we clear?"

He nodded, visibly gulping, "Y-Yes. What do you want?"

"I need you to drop that bounty."

"What? I can't do that! Why would you want me to do that?"

"We both know you don't have that kind of money." I rolled my eyes, "so either drop the bounty or I'll drop your body in the sea."

"Fine! I'll drop it." He muttered before taking out his phone slowly. He then, in front of me, dialed a number.

"Drop the bounty. Tell everyone that there's no bounty from now on." He ordered one of his men on the phone. The man hummed in response, "Yes, boss."

Luigi then disconnected the call before looking at me, "I did as you told me to. Now please let me go."

"Let you go?" I chuckled darkly, "no can do, sir. You're coming with me." Just as I finished that sentence, my phone as well as those of my men beeped with a message.

I read it and it said, 'Luigi Gonzalez dropped the bounty on Thea Gonzalez.'


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