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|Thea's POV|

I stared at the dragon tattoo on my wrist. It's been three days since I officially joined the Russian mafia. I haven't been sent on a mission yet nor spoken to Alessio again ever since he made me sign those papers.

I wanted to see my grandmother so bad. I tried to leave the mansion but the guards wouldn't let me leave. I didn't know why. Everybody else were allowed to leave and come whenever they pleased except me.

I was still a prisoner. He said I'd be free but here I was, enjoying my freedom inside a house. Way to go, Alessio.

It was around 8:00 pm. The mansion was empty since as per the boss's rule, nobody was allowed to stay past eight except him, Igor and Macy and the security guards and apparently me. Three maids would come at eight and clean the mansion without talking then they would leave.

I was sitting on the kitchen counter, eating a chocolate which I found in the fridge when the sound of footsteps echoed in the house since it was empty.

I quickly grabbed a knife from the knife holder and got off the counter. I took small, slow and quiet steps, towards the sound of the footsteps. I hid behind a wall and took a peek at the people.

I didn't recognize any of them except my grandmother. She looked happy and wasn't scared. I sighed, knowing these people weren't dangerous considering my grandmother was with them.

I then walked from behind the wall, making them all look at me. I then took a close look at the people, recognizing few of them. There was a little boy who was looking at me with a confused look. 

"Who are you?" I looked up at the voice and my eyes fell on Enzo De Luca looking at me with recognition in his eyes. Of course he would recognize me. I was the one who warned Azalea on her wedding about Liliana.

"I know you." Azalea breathed out, taking a step towards me. I flashed her a smile, "know you too."

"You're the one who warned us about Liliana." She stood in front of me, "how did you know her?"

"I—" before I could reply, my grandmother spoke up, "she is Thea, my granddaughter."

"Thea?" Another elderly woman asked, making my head snap in her direction, "The Thea? The one my son would not stop talking about?"

"Fuck, she's hot." Another voice said making me look at that person. There, stood a man who was probably of the same age as Alessio.

"Sean Blackwood." He introduced himself with a grin, "Pleasure to meet you." His eyes then landed on my wrist, "you're part of the Russian Mafia."

"I joined recently."

"Do you know who we are?" Another guy asked. Damn, there were a lot of people in front of me. I knew their names but I didn't know them personally.

"I'm Antonio De Luca," a man said, making me look at him. Before I could take in his appearance, another one spoke "I'm Blake De Luca and this…" he pointed to a girl beside him, "is my fiancee, Marissa Kent."

"I'm Sean but I already told you that." Sean said with a smirk but his smirk didn't last long when a woman introduced herself, "I'm Arabella. You're gorgeous!"

"Th—" I was cut off by a little girl, who apparently had a twin, "I'm Izzy and he's my brother, Freddy."

"And I'm Nick" a four year old looking boy introduced. I knew that one. He then pointed to a baby girl in his father's arms, "that's my sister, Eliza."

"And I'm Elizabeth, Alessio and Lea's mother." The elderly woman from earlier spoke up.

"I'm Azalea De Luca but you can call me Lea." Lea smiled warmly at me while nudging Enzo's arm which made him smile at me also, "I'm Enzo De Luca."

"I kn—" yet again I was cut off by another elderly woman, "I'm Maria De Luca and that's my husband, Ricardo De Luca."

They didn't even give me a chance to say anything apart three to four words. Why were they all here? And why was my grandmother with them?

"Tomorrow is Alessio's birthday and we came to throw him a surprise birthday party." Lea explained making my brows rose up, "but if his birthday is tomorrow then why come today?"

"So that we can get enough time to throw him the party and buy gifts and all. We decided to do it here since it's going to be empty for two days."

"What?" I didn't know about this, "why?"

"Oh we sent his men and women on a two days vacation." Sean said and laughed, "they won't be coming back for the next two days. Alessio went on a very important business trip. He'll return tomorrow in the evening."

Oh. So I was going be alone. Great.

"We couldn't tell you about the vacation since we didn't know that you were part of this mafia but now we know. If you want to go on that vacation you can go…or you can stay here and help us."

"I'm not allowed out of this place" I muttered and watched as they frowned in confusion, "why not?"

"I don't know" I groaned, "everybody else is allowed to get out but not me."

"What?" Sean asked, walking towards me. "Come with me." He then grabbed my arm and took me towards the door. Just as I was about to step outside the two guards in front of the door stopped me.

"You aren't—" I cut them off, "I know, I know. I'm not allowed to leave unless boss says so. I got it."


"Well that's fucked up." Sean muttered before grinning suddenly as if he just got an idea.

"We sent all his men on vacation, right?" Sean asked to which they all nodded, "then these two work for him too." He then looked at the two guards in front of the door, "you've got three days off. Bye!"

"Boss didn't—" one of them spoke only to be cut off by Lea, "three seconds before we change our minds." The two guards shared a look before finally leaving the place. I was finally fucking free.

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