Esempee Primary pt. 4

Start from the beginning

All of my parental instincts (which I wasn't even aware existed) were screaming at me to go back home with him and punch the living hell out of his parents but before I could do anything, Sapnap and Quackity had pulled the smaller boy into a hug. Bad caught my eye again, this time he was red with anger. Pure hatred to anyone who would make a child feel unloved or tell them that they weren't worth nice things.

"Are they nice though?" I asked.

Karl shrugged, "They're nothing like you so I guess not. Daddy hurts me and I don't like it."

"He shouldn't do that," Quackity spoke up, "My dad wouldn't hurt me."

"Hey, Karl," Bad said, "Are you okay with telling Mr Minecraft about this? Doesn't have to be right now. Maybe at the end of break, we could go up and talk to him?"

Karl hesitated, looking over at me. I gave him a reassuring smile and he nodded before turning back to his colouring page. This could be so much worse than we thought. 

George's P.O.V

I was feeling a lot better. A little tired, sure, but the brain fog was definitely easing up. It was 5 minutes till the end of break, Dream was setting up the next little worksheet we had and I was getting up the right PowerPoint when Phil came in. "Hey," He said, moving to sit at the back of the classroom, "How are you doing, George?" 

"I'm alright. Not really sure what happened but I feel a lot better now either way." I replied politely.

"That's good, I was going to wait here so that I could check on Karl and Tommy when they came in from break." 

"That's fair. Dream's going to go and get them in like a minute." 

As I had said, Dream soon left, making his way outside to the front playground and bringing everyone back in in a line. Karl, Sapnap and Quackity came in the classroom door with Eret and Bad so I guessed that they hadn't gone outside. When Tommy saw his father sat on the counter at the back of the classroom, he ran over practically jumping into his arms. Phil didn't hesitate to reciprocate, wrapping his arms around his son and talking quietly to him. Eret made their way over to me, a sad expression on her face. "Hey, George," He said, "I'm going to need to take Karl with me for a bit." 

"Is everything alright?" I asked.

"He revealed that his parents weren't nice to him, as in, he said his dad hurts him so I'm going to take him to Phil's office to talk to him and figure out what to do."

My breath caught in my throat, "What? Oh god, okay. Let me know what happens. Phil's over there." 

Eret nodded slowly before making her way back over to hold Karl's hand. Dream got everyone set up and sat in their correct spaces before Phil, Eret and Karl all made their way from the room.

Phil's P.O.V

When Eret told me that they wanted to talk with me again, about Karl, I obviously agreed. Bad offered to take over her class so that she could talk to me which he was very grateful for. However, as we got closer to my office, an air of dread hung over us. Something was really wrong. Maybe it was just a sense I got as a father, where I had this small sense when something was off but it was so prominent. It felt almost, heavy in a way.

I invited them into my office, sitting on the spinny chair on the opposite side of the desk. "Right, so, how can I help?" I asked.

"Karl and I were talking about our parents and...Karl, can you tell Mr Minecraft what you told me?" Eret began, looking at the smaller boy sat beside him.

Karl was silent for a moment, occasionally looking up like he was about to begin talking but wasn't able to. "Take your time mate," I said softly.

"Do you remember what you told me?" Eret asked, knowing Karl sometimes struggled with remembering things.

"I, uh, I told you that Dad hurts me." 

Eret nodded sadly, "Yeah, that's right, good job." 

I was in shock. The thought that someone could hurt their child was beyond me. I loved Wilbur, Techno and Tommy with all my being and I would never lay a harmful hand on any of them. All three of them were adopted, each coming from an unloving household. It took ages for Techno to trust me as he was always worried that I would leave him and Wilbur or neglect them as their last parents had. Tommy was absolutely terrified of me. In fact, he was terrified of all adults, worried that they would hurt him for anything. It broke my heart knowing what they had gone through and the fact that one of my students, who was sat in front of me, was going through something so similar was awful. I knew that I had to do something about it. 

"What do you mean he hurts you, mate? What kind of thing does he do?" 

I sat and listened intently as Karl told me all about the abuse he endured at him, giving him encouraging nods and praising him whenever he fell silent. He told me that his dad drank, constantly, and would hit him and kick him. Karl told us how he was terrified to go home. I wanted to cry. I called George up to the office so that he could take Karl back to class and I could talk to Eret in private.

Once the young boy was gone, not before making it clear he wanted to stay with Eret, I was able to say the things that I wanted. "This is bad." I began.

"I know," Eret replied, "What can we do?" 

"My first thought is involving the police or CPS (Child Protective Services). Getting them to send someone to the house could be a good idea." 

"Then he'll be put into the system." Eret sounded horrified at the thought and I knew exactly what he was thinking.

"I know, just...he can't stay where he is, I know a couple who want to adopt a kid and I mean I could give them a heads up that Karl's going to be put there but-" 

"I'm happy to take him in." 

I stopped. Eret was suggesting adopting Karl, which in theory was a great idea but I needed to know that he was thinking about it in the long term. For example, things can seem great when you first think about them, like how Eret could get Karl out of his abusive household but then there's the other side of things when you actually start to think about it. I didn't know whether or not he was prepared for the reality of looking after a child. It was a lot harder than most people thought. Especially when the child had been through something traumatic. You never knew how that trauma would present itself in later life.

"Eret, you need to be 100% sure on this. It's not something that you can go back it. It'll change everything for you. This isn't me trying to talk you out of anything, I just want you to understand that it'll be difficult. I'm always willing to help in any way that I can."

 Eret smiled, "I know. I've honestly been thinking about it for a while. Before you ask, it's because Bad and I saw that he had some bruises on him and we suspected something was happening. I was going to report it today but, well, we know now anyway." 

"Alright, you head back to your class, I'm going to get in contact with CPS and I'll let you know how it goes." 

"Thank you, Phil, seriously." 

"It's no problem." 

Eret got up from their seat, making their way to the door and giving me one last nod before stepping out. I sighed, letting my head rest on the table for a second as everything sank in. I had some work to do.

I know this one is pretty short again, sorry.

2700 words

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take care

love you guys

- Bee :))

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