Last Encounters.

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I knew she would come. She can't stay away from me, no matter how hard she tries.


I'm currently being held captive by a girl who won't let me get a word in for the life of me. I really am trying to be nice and keep a conversation with her, but Jesus fuck, she does not stop talking.

About five minutes of realizing it, I stopped paying complete attention. Just like all the other guys at this party, my attention shifted to Novalee and the raven-haired girl she had walked in with.

The brunette was pretty, but I was focused on Novalee and that little white dress she had on. She looked sexy. Her style was unique compared to other girls I'd seen on campus, I appreciated it.

Currently, she's glowering at from across the room. She finally noticed me staring at her since she walked in. I smirk and I notice her immediate eye roll.

This woman hates me.

From the corner of my eye, I see Cgc being surrounded by a group of girls. He seems to be in an interesting conversation with them, but I don't care. I need him as an excuse to talk to Nova.

I place my hand on Emily's ­­—­was it Emily? —shoulder as I tell her I'll catch up with her later. I'm a liar. I strut over to my friend and wrap my arm around his shoulder, he's about an inch taller than me. "Hey, girls."

I smile at the pretty brunettes in front of my friend. He loves his brunettes. Not one blonde in sight. They all wave and smile at me. "I'll bring him back in a minute, I promise." I pat Cgc's chest before pulling him away from the girls.

"Where we going?" He asks. I start walking toward Nova, who stands near our couch with her pretty friend. "Remember Nova? We're gonna go talk to her."

Cgc mentioned going to high school with her, so I figured maybe they'd like to catch up? He didn't tell me if they ever talked or not. I didn't bother asking, I just wanted to use him as an excuse to talk to Nova.

Before he can say anything, we're already standing behind the girls who are with one of our teammates, Max. "Nova!" I say and she takes her time turning around.

I see Max and the brunette's attention turn toward me and Cgc as well. Max grins, greeting us. I see Nova's friend looking at her confusingly. "Novalee, long time no see, kid." Cgc remarks and I notice her stunned face. She lets out a chuckle, "now you?"

He pulls her into a side hug which makes me clench my jaw just a bit at their sudden contact. It was quick though. "I didn't know you were a Cali girl." There's a slight smirk on his face. She giggles. "How did I totally forget you came to Oak Hill?" She places her hands on her hips as she admires my friend.

Her friend and Max continue the conversation they were having before we arrived. I stand there in silence. "What's got you rolling around in Cali?" He asks. Nova tucks a strand of her auburn hair behind her ear. "Better opportunities, I guess." She shrugs lightly.

"Nice." Cgc turns to me and nudges me lightly with his elbow. "You know my boy here too, yeah?" He asks her and her face drops. She crosses her arms over her chest and looks down for a second before looking back up at us. "Yeah. We went to school together back in Georgia."

"I'm sure he's sexier than he was at 15." Cgc, my personal wingman. Nova lets out a small laugh but doesn't say anything. I see my best friends' eyes shift to the girl talking to Max. He looks intrigued. "Max, who's your girl?" He calls out to the 6'5, tight end.

Max and Nova's friend turn to look at him at the same time. Both of their brows furrowed. "Not my girl." He scoffs and her face says 'agreed'.

Novalee doesn't hesitate to pull the girl to her side and intertwine their arms. "Actually, my girl. Her name is Madison." She shows off, looking at her friend lovingly. "Maddy." The raven-haired girl chimes in. "Just Maddy."

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