Chapter 37

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Chapter 37


Gupta house

Khushi woke up late in the next day. She opened her eyes and found herself alone in the room. She remembered yesterday night and how it went between Arnav and her. They did it three times. First on his chair, then under the shower and when she thought they are done and ready to sleep, he started to touch her belly and let her fire grow again. She felt marked by him. He was everywhere. On her skin, in her heart and soul.

She smiled when she touched his t-shirt. He didn't want her to wear his t-shirt tonight but she managed to dress herself while he was sleeping. Khushi remembered how innocent his face looked while he was sleeping. So peaceful and relaxed. No anger and sorrows. Just his long dark lashes which left shadows on his face. She hid her face in her pillow because she remembered her words which she spoke to him while he was sleeping. She leaned to his forehead and kissed him there softly and then she whispers the three words more important to her than her own life.

I love you.

She turned again around on her back and looked up to the ceiling. It sounds so good to say it loud. She just wished to have enough strength to say it loud to him while he was awake. One day she was going to say it loud and clear. As soon as she got enough power to speak this three words, she will say them to him. But how will he react? What will he say? What if he said that he loved her too? She was excited now. She put her hand on her heart to feel how fast it was beating inside her chest. Only the thought of confessing her love let her become all excited. And it let her heart beat faster too when she imagined he would say the same back to her.

Her hand moved to her neck that was decorated by his present. Her fingertips touch the small red rose and she smiled again. This one small rose meant so much to her. Suddenly she felt the need to see his roses. To take care of them and touch them like she touched the pendant.

She stood immediately up, dressed herself and was looking for him downstairs to tell him where she was going. He was nowhere so she decided to eat something and then go to garden.

Sanjay's apartment

Last night Sanjay didn't get a lot of sleep. Actually he didn't sleep at all. His thoughts kept him awake and Zoya was crying few times while she was sleeping. He stood up often to her to touch her cheek to calm her. It was a wonder but it worked. As soon as he touched her there and spoke shhh she was calm and fell back into a deep sleep. She didn't awake but somehow she was calmed as soon as he touched her.

He was thinking about a lot of things yesterday night and also came to some conclusions. One thing was sure. He couldn't let Zoya stay here alone. He still didn't know who was on the door and it was possible that it was just some neighbor but what if it was someone else? He needed to concentrate on his work and the next days were going to be dangerous and hard. Sanjay couldn't make any mistake because this will have consequences for many people so he knew that first thing that was needed to be done was bringing Zoya to a safe place.

Zoya was in bathroom while he was speaking to Judge Aslam. They tried to find one solution for Zoya's stay. Judge Aslam was full of work but he allowed him to take few days off before they started with the raids and arrests. Even Judge Aslam saw one urgent need to hide Zoya because she was an important witness. Sanjay understood that she was important for this case but he didn't like the fact that she will be forced again to give her statement. He just wanted to bring her on one safe place where she could wait till he found Adi.

He didn't say this to Judge Aslam but he will do everything to keep her far away from this all. And this is his personal decision. His head was working whole night to find a solution where he could hid Zoya and now, after he talked to Judge Aslam and he gave him few, not acceptable solutions, Sanjay decided that there is only one place where he could bring her. There is only one place where she was safe. There is only one person whom he could trust enough and nobody in his work surroundings knew about this person. His Nani! She was not his real relative. He grew up in her house while his mother worked in some factory. His father was not really a woman good man, leaving his wife for better life abroad and his mother was always working and working. Yes she did sent money for him but he never build some kind of mother son relationship with her.

Teri Deewani / Crazy for youWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu