Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Arnav Malik looked out of his hotel room over the town that was once his home. Lucknow. Even he wasn't for five years back in Lucknow, nothing really changed since the last time he was here.

It was the same town, same buildings, same clothes, same people. Everything was same. Except him. He was different than the guy who was forced to leave this place that was once his home.

Arnav Singh Raizada doesn't exist anymore. Now, there is only Arnav Malik and this man was so different from the young Arnav five years ago. Arnav Malik was cold, cruel and powerful. People who have heard his name, they also knew how acted in a business world.

No one dared to betray him. Many have learned they lesson after they tried. They didn't experienced violence. Arnav was never a violent man. If he killed someone, he did it socially. He took the persons name, money and appreciation of the society. If someone dared to cross him, they wouldn't survive his actions. Arnav Malik, took everything that he could get his hand on and left his opponents with crumbs.

And now, after five years of being Arnav Malik, he remembered things from his past. Things he wanted to remove from his brain if he could, but couldn't since even his power has limits.

Things like, the sun, white clothes, red flowers, red clothes, long hair, big beautiful eyes.

Arnav closed his eyes and took a deep breath, forcing all this memories back so that the pictures finally disappeared. Then he looked at his open hands, that were once dirty and full of wounds. Today, they looked clean and healthy. They didn't show how hard he used to work. Now they showed, how wealthy he was.

After Arnav left Lucknow, he went to Delhi with Anjali. He worked hard and changed their surname. Arnav still has no idea why his mother used her maiden name. There was no chance he will ever find out because she was dead but it was the best decision to change it into his fathers name.

For his new self, the name Malik seemed more fitting and it showed every day till today that the decision to change the name, was the right one. Di didn't want this change. In fact, she wanted to use the name Gupta from her so called and useless husband Shiyam Gupta. The funny thing was, she didn't get any papers that the marriage happened at all. To the officials, she was unmarried and that was something Anjali have to accept.

That's why Arnav took the matters into his own hands and changed their names without her knowledge. Only on the day when they needed to pick their papers up, she did have find out, because he needed her to sign the papers.

His luck was that his sister didn't make any problems and that they left to London, without any new problems.

In London they started a new life. Anjali used to say how blessed he was with his business there but Arnav knew the reason for his success wasn't god or destiny. It was something else that made his so successful. It was his unscrupulousness. He was ready to do everything for money. He couldn't get enough. He was never criminal, no. But, Arnav never felt empty for his opponents when they have lost everything because of poor decisions and Arnav have won everything.

Also there was one thing that drive him to work harder, and that was his unappeasable thirst for revenge.

The female form behind him started to move and he ended his walk through the past to acknowledge the naked woman on his bed. Lavanya opened her eyes and met Arnav. While he observed her with coolness, she showed her lust openly.

No words were exchanged, just heated Lavanyas eyes, that roamed over Arnav's naked body. There was never shame between them, only pure lust that came especially from Lavanya side.

Teri Deewani / Crazy for youWhere stories live. Discover now