Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

Sanjay Saxena waited for about an hour on the same place where he met Zoya last time. He came deliberately earlier and observed the whole place. Busy people walked here and there around him. His sleep last night wasn't really good because his nightmares didn't let him rest in peace. He was nervous. He looked down and smoothed his shirt not knowing why he did it but it was important for him to look tidy.

He observed the place with his experienced eyes and looked for any possible danger. After his long journey as police officer he evolved some kind of six sense for danger. It was like his body felt the dangerous vibrations. His nose could formally smell that something was going on. The question was, what?

The answer was not palpable right now for him, but it was like his body and soul were looking for the answers. His fingers itched in wish to touch his gun. He was sure, he will be calmer after Zoya came to him and he knew she was safe. He has so many things on his mind that he didn't saw the person dressed in black walking towards him.

His mind stopped working and heart started to beat faster. He felt goosebumps all over his body. He closed his eyes and allowed himself to feel. His senses play with him. He realized that she was here and he was feeling her presence. He open his eyes just to look at her beautiful appearance. She look around and searched probably for him. He allowed himself to look at here in peace before her eyes found him.

She was dressed very simple but this could not hide her beauty. Her face was enough. She didn't need any colorful clothes, heavy jewelry or makeup to make herself even more prettier. She was more than beautiful through her simplicity.

He could see a little of her dark hair because her black dupatta fell slowly down. As if he wanted to protect her from eyes of someone else Sanjay started to walk. It was a battle of time between him and the material that covered her head. Will he reach her before somebody sees her beauty?

In few seconds he was by her side and pull her dupatta again on her head. She looked surprised and afraid into his eyes. He had the feeling that her blue eyes spoke to him some language which only his heart could understand. She walked one step back to get some distance from him, realizing they were in public. He lowered his arms and his hands formed them to fists.

Zoya looked around and spoke to him.

>>Hello, Mr. Saxena.<<

>>Hello Zoya.<<

She looked down on her hands. Sanjay checked their surrounding and observed again the place. He was surprised that the incident with her dupatta let him forget his feelings for upcoming danger. As if the danger was not present while they were together.

>>You called me, Zoya and I am here.<<

She look again around.

>>I am ready to help but you need to give me your promise.<<

>>What promise?<<

>>First, let us go away from here. It's too dangerous.<<


>>Where is your car, Mr. Saxena?<< He looked surprised to her.

>>On the other side of street.<< She looked again around. >>Let's go.<<

In few steps they reached the car and climbed inside.

>>Speak, Zoya.<< Again, she looked at him with her deep blue eyes observing his face for some facial expressions. She needed him to give her one promise and she needed to see that he spoke the truth. So much was dependent on his help. Even if he didn't ask her for help, she needed to find somebody who was willing to help her.

Teri Deewani / Crazy for youWhere stories live. Discover now