Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

She was locked inside her room over a week. Everything that was needed was brought to her room by one the new workers her uncle obviously hired. Khushi was happy to have her own bathroom otherwise she would have to wait for one of the meals to ask the new man who never talked to her, if she could use a toilet.

Her books and the terrace, where she could enjoy at least some fresh air, were the only changes for her lonely days. It happened often, when Khushi looked to the big metallic gate, that she imagined Arnav would come back and she would find herself back into his arms. Those were her favorite moments, because they let her forget all them mess around her and the hurtful past, that will follow her for the rest of her life.

On the seventh day her uncle unlocked the door and walked inside her room. Khushi hoped her loneliness has ended, but his next words brought her back to the cruel reality.

>>I have arranged for your marriage. In only a few weeks you will marry into one very richt family. I expect nothing less from you as you absolute compliance and best behavior.<<

Then he turned around and left Khushi's room. He didn't even bother to close the door behind him. Khushi didn't realize that her door was open, because she was still fighting with her shock about her marriage.

His disclosure shook Khushi to the core so that she needed some time to think about his words. Marriage? So soon? Khushi knew she wasn't ready for this step. Especially not so soon after she has lost someone so important and especially not to some stranger that she never met before.

Shashi left Khushi's room feeling weightless for the very first time since his wife left him. Everything was going to finally fell into place and for the first time since long, there was some possibility that all his problems were going to be solved soon.

The family who were interested to get Khushi as they bride, were of course not only interested in her. The land in Delhi was the one that got their interest and Shashi agreed to give them what they wanted, because they were not interested in any dowry, which was a huge plus point.

Also they were ready to lend him money, and they didn't put him under pressure to give it back soon. He could take his time and get other possibilities to earn money.

Shashi's heart was very eased, knowing he would at least fulfill one wish of his deceased brother. He wasn't happy to give the land in Delhi away because he got the impression that it was valuable, but he didn't have any other option.

That's why he was thankful and ready to abstain from this land, to at least keep his house. Still, the wedding is in few weeks and there was a lot to be done till he could see his plan unfolding.

It took Khushi some time to come out of her shock, but when she calmed her heart enough, she was able to see her surrounding and realized immediately that the door of her usually locked room, was bright open. Suddenly her uncles last words echoed inside her head. Wedding. Few weeks. Rich family.

She stood up, cleaned her face from her tears and acted only. She walked, faster and faster. Till she started to run. She wanted to fell. Her heart belonged to Arnav. She couldn't live with someone else and build life with a stranger. Khushi hoped, she would find Arnav somehow and leave this town with him. They could start new and be together. That is something Arnav asked her to do and now Khushi wanted nothing more, that to follow Arnav wherever he wanted to go.

Just when she was about to walk through the big bright entrance to the house, uncle Shashi's voice stopped her.

>>I have left your door open and you are free to go wherever you want to go, Khushi, but keep this in your mind before you do your next step. If you decided to go, Shiyam will pay for your foolishness. If you decide to act against my rules, Shiyam will pay for it. If you disrespect me, he will pay. If you refuse to marry the man I choose for you, your beloved brother will pay.<<

Teri Deewani / Crazy for youWhere stories live. Discover now