Chapter 7

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Chapter 7


Dear Buaji,

It's me, Arnav. I am ok. Di is fine.

I am going to send a letter soon. I am going to visit you soon, too. Promise.


Khushi held Arnav's first letter to Buaji and read it again and again. For a moment she dared to remove the pillow that she held over her ear, while the other was pressed deep into the mattress.

>>Oh, yessss, Malik. Harder. Ahhh.<<

Khushi pressed the pillow against her ear and tried to ignore the noises. They were now about a week in this house and Khushi could remember the first day, like it happened just yesterday.

As expected she showed Lavanya her room. It was her uncles and aunts old bedroom and the biggest one on the first floor. Everything inside was made for a king or queen. There was a huge kingsized bed. The furniture was dark but the red bedclothes were from pure red colored silk.

Also the bathroom was a place where a person wanted to spend all day inside with it's big tube. Also there was a really huge walk in closet that could fit all clothes that the person who lived owned and would own in the future.

Khushi walked inside and Lavanya followed. While Khushi opened the windows to let the fresh air inside the new renovated room, Lvanya looked through the room and seemed very pleased with the place that was given to her.

Lavanya left her small case on the dressing table and walked to the huge mirror that showed right on the huge kingsized bed. She turned once around and smiled to her reflection. Then her eyes landed on Khushi, who still stood on the window and followed with bright eyes Lavanya's movements.

>>Hey, Chamkili? Can you unpack my suitcase and hang my clothes inside the closet?<<

Khushi put a lock of hair behind her ear and smiled softly.

>>Of course, Mrs. Malik.<<

Lavanya burst out in laugh and shook her head.

>>Oh no, I am not Mrs. Malik. I am Lavanya. Just Lavanya.<<

>>I am sorry, I thought...<<

>>You don't need to think, just unpack my suitcase, chamkili.<<

>>Sorry, Miss Lavanya.<<

>>No, it's Lavanya. Sirf, Lavanya. Ok?<<

Khushi moved to the suitcase and answered.


That first night Khushi awoke from some noises that came from Lavanya's room which was right next to hers. The next moment there was scream and Khushi left her bed quickly and run to Lavanya's door. Her mind played the weirdest possibilities about what was happening on the other side of the door.

Maybe Lavanya got hurt and couldn't get help. Khushi was convinced that something bad must be happening to her new neighbor, so that she wanted to help. She was just about to knock and to enter the room, when she heard again some noises and this time they didn't sound like Lavanya was in pain.

>>Mhhh, yes Malik. I love it. You make me crazy. Don't stop.<<

Khushi's hand was still in the air, ready to knock, while she listened to Lavanya's words. Carefully not to be heard, Khushi walked back to her room and tried to ignore all the things that she was forced to listen this night and all other following nights.

Teri Deewani / Crazy for youWhere stories live. Discover now