Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Khushi was the first one who opened her eyes next morning. Arnav was sleeping which gave her enough time to look closer at his relaxed face. Since he came back to her, Khushi didn't have much time to see him relaxed so that would be one of the rare opportunities.

His full lips, long lashes, shadows of the beard, a straight nose, everything on his face perfect. And then his neck that was firm and strong. His eyelashes laid peaceful on his face. He looks so sweet. So innocent. He was never sweet or innocent when he was awake. Arnav was always dark, still, mysterious. He never talked a lot, or somebody could see his feelings in his face and eyes. No. He was a Mysterium. Unapproachable.

She observed his face. Khushi wanted to keep this peaceful face of him forever in her mind. His eyebrows are dark like his eyelashes. His skin is darker than hers. He was always darker but now the difference was clearer to see, because she couldn't stay long in the sun anymore after her accident.

How Khushi wished her skin was darker. Dark, as Lavnayas. Maybe he liked girls with dark skin and maybe he would like her too if she was darker too. She needed to be more in the Sun. She didn't care what her doctor said, she wants to be pretty for him.

Khushi bit her bottom lip soft with her white teeth. How much she wished to be like other girls. Attractive. For him. She couldn't see his face in the dark, yesterday. She wanted to see his eyes but it was too dark in the room. Did he look at her like he looked at Lavanya? She liked Lavanya a lot, but when she thought how he looked at her, Khushi was jealous on her friend. Pictures of Lavanyas beautiful face and skin came into Khushi's mind. She saw Arnav's finger touching Lavanya's skin. Then her imagination replaced Lavanya with herself. Would he be soft with Her like he was soft with Lavanya? He probably caressed Lavanya's face, stroked every part of her body. Khushi started to breathe irregular while she press her eyelids close.

Suddenly Khushi thought on something. This between Arnav and her is not forever. She knew it. It lay deep inside her. She said this to herself since she decided to give him what no man will ever get.

One tear escaped from her eye, even she tried to hold this tear back, but couldn't. She knew very well what pain was. She can live with pain. She did it already for five years. Having him back again was like somebody gave her the heart back that she has lost. It was all her fault. Yes it was. She shouldn't tell him the hurtful words she said when they separated. Instead of this she gave a letter to Anjali and played the role of her life of being the meanest person in the world. She lied to him and hurt him with her words.

Khushi gulped hard and came to one decision. No matter how this ends, she wanted to be with him. No matter how mean Arnav will be to her, she will do everything to make it up to him and correct her mistakes. She promised herself to enjoy every moment with him, till he decide he doesn't want her anymore. She decided to give him all her love and everything what he wanted from her.

She don't have anything anymore that she could call her own, except herself. So if Arnav wanted her in all ways, he can have her. She remembered Buajis words.

>>He will come back. He will bring colors back to your life.<<

Five years. Khushi waited five years to see him again. To look in his eyes. Speak with him. Have him around. It was clear for her that the only thing what she ever wanted in this world, was him. She just wanted him. Be with him, no matter how.

She gulped hard again by the realization that one day, he will be tiered of her and end with some other woman who is worthy of his love.

Her mouth was dry suddenly and she felt some pain in her abdomen. Khushi placed her hand on her belly and try to find a better position so the pain wasn't so strong anymore. This movement awakened Arnav and he opened his eyes and looked right into hers.

Teri Deewani / Crazy for youWhere stories live. Discover now