Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Hearing his harsh words, Khushi's body became cold all over. She didn't recognize the man but this was so since he came back to her, but this man's behavior was next level in coldness.

She observed his disrupted appearance, his bleeding lip and tried still to find the person she loved so much. The saddest and most painful thing was, that he seemed to be gone and Khushi wanted to have him back so badly. After all she loved him her whole life and still do. You can't let something go, when you whole inner world is circling around it.

Arnav removed his blazer, his movements still harsh. His eyes fixed with every movement on her, as he crave to see her reaction and didn't want to miss her eyes had to offer.

His black shirt let him look dangerous and his eyes mirrored the darkest night.

Arnav has to fight against the memories about NK and Khushi being in an embrace, just before he stopped this closeness going any further.

Pictures flashed through his mind. Her and him hugging. Touching. He was so angry on her. So furious. How could she? With NK?

He didn't like what he saw and more important he didn't like his own reaction. Arnav didn't touch her since he was back and the next rich man with a name crossed her way and she was instantly all over him? This shit ends tonight. Nobody should touch her, except him. He will make her his. Tonight. Now.

>>Take your close off.<<

Khushi didn't move. If she was scared before, she was now terrified because of Arnav's mood.

>>I warned you Khushi. Take your fucking clothes off.<<

Arnav removed his tie and opened the first button of his shirt.

>>First Mr. Thomson. Then NK. If you want to be f**ked, then by me. Now, take your clothes off or I am doing it for you.<<

She gulped hard but was still standing on the same place, not being able to run away or follow Arnav's orders. Everything he said was so shocking that Khushi didn't knew how to react. He started to move closer and that awaken something inside Khushi. It was pure fear of the man her heart still belonged and Khushi never felt such a deep urge to disappear away from the room that once was her safe space.

Arnav stepped toward her and Khushi stepped back. They continue walking till she reached the wall and he was right in front of her, so close that she could feel his breath on her skin.

>>I said take your damn clothes off.<<

>>No, Arnav. Please don't ask me to do this.<<

>>But I don't ask you, Khushi. Not anymore. In the past I would be that person but not anymore. Now, I know you are a widow. A very young widow. You have needs. We all have them and there is nothing to be ashamed about. You need a man? I am here and ready to deliver.<<

Khushi's eyes widen when she listened to his shameless words. It was not only what he said, it was how he said it too. His voice wasn't friendly or alluring. Every word was spoken out with hate. Khushi thought about the right word to use as description but only hate was suitable as description. Maybe a little sarcasm, but this was something Khushi didn't fear and felt hurt about.

This man was a stranger and Khushi missed the old Arnav she once knew but he was obviously gone.

His eyes scanned her body and Khushi blushed when she remarked his movements.

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