Chapter 36

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Chapter 36

Sanjay held her head between his palms and stared at her face. She was unconscious, her lips light open and her cheeks red from anxiety. Her long lashes left shadows on her face and her deep dark eyebrows decorated her beautiful face. This woman was more than beautiful. She was the reason why his heart beaten so fast. Sanjay never felt this way for anyone. He touched her lips one minute ago but his body still had goosebumps all over. His lips and body craved for her touch. He took her carefully into his arms and wore her to his bed.

He placed her slow there and touched her cheek softly with his palm. And then the realization hit him. Words which she spoke once resounded in his head.

You are wrong Mr. Saxena, I know Amar the Rapist very well.

Remembering her words, Sanjay stood up from bed and looked down on her. She looked so peaceful and fearless but he knew it better. He touched her and that was probably the reason why she fainted. How could he touch her knowingly that she was raped by her husband? Why did her words slip his minds? How will he ever look into the mirror again? He should protect her dammit and not scare her.

He started to walk from one to other side of the room. Different thoughts ran through his mind.

He wanted to take his jacked of but then put it again on. What if she thought something wrong? How will he ever look into her eyes? He didn't want to disturb her but he was still worried about her condition. Why can't he stay away from her?

Then her words resounded again in his head.

There was someone on the door, he knocked and knocked again and again.

He walked to the door and opened it. He looked on the door from outside to find out if someone tried to open them forcefully. There was nothing. He saw in the floor if there was someone outside, but there was no one. He closed the door and looked down at his hand. He held his gun and he didn't even remember when he moved his hand up under his jacket to take it out.

The most policemen like to wear their weapons on their belts but Sanjay wear his gun under his jacket. He locked the door and took his jacked of. He removed the ties which laid over his shoulders and hold it together with the gun in his hands. He placed both on the table in the living room and started to stare on the door. If this person come again he is going to take good care of him. He promised silently to protect Zoya tonight so she could sleep peaceful.

He looked around and noticed that his living room was totally clean. His clothes didn't lay everywhere and there was no dust on his cupboard. He looked down on his feet and saw that even the ground was wiped and clean. He stood up and walk to the kitchen. His kitchen never smelled like now. He bought usual his food or prepared something what was not too complicated to cook but the smell which tickled his nose promised heaven to him. His belly started immediately growled. He looked into the pots and his mouth watered.

He was hungry. He just asked himself if she already ate when he heard light footsteps behind him. He took one second before he gained enough courage to look into her eyes and then turned around. Her eyes were directed on the floor but then moved up to his face.

>>I am sorry, Mr. Saxena.<<

He stared at her in expectation to hear something about their kiss.

>>I was afraid and I don't know why i reacted so heavy. I was nervous, I think.<<

There was no sign in her eyes that she knew something about his kiss or that she was upset with him.

Teri Deewani / Crazy for youWhere stories live. Discover now