Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

Somewhere in London

Lavanya left this dark room and entered some kind of floor. She didn't have eyes for this big expensive house. The only thing what interested her was the big dark door through which she came in, days ago. She felt that he walk behind her. When she was on the door she noticed now from the corner of her eyes that somebody else was also watching her. It was his mother who stood there on the stairs and observed.

Lavanya couldn't resist to say some provoking words to her. She put her best smile on her face.

>>Mami, I am going and leaving you alone forever. The shameless woman is finally away from you and your lovely son. Gone with the wind, like your grandchild that you never wanted too. Now you can finally find a perfect daughter-in-law, but I give you one tip Mami. Clean the house. I touched with my dirty fingers all your beautiful stuff and look everywhere after your expensive stuff. We poor people steal whenever and whatever we can.<<

And then Lavanya walked through the door with an intents to never come back or see the people who were still inside. She left the house into the darkness just like in the night when she ran outside to escape the picture of NK and these girls. Finally. She was free.

What Lavanya didn't know and couldn't was that NK was standing there looking to at her back. He didn't cry. He didn't have any tears anymore to mourn his los. Only hate. Hate for himself and his family. It was all his fault. He should have protected Lavanya. This is what husbands do but his care and trust for his parents destroyed everything.

He married Lavanya and when his dad told him that he didn't feel well, he left Lavanya back in India and traveled back to London and then everything happened step by step. His parents did their best to separate them, but there is was sorry for him. He was her husband. He should have protected her but he failed in all ways.

He heard the voice behind his back.

>>Is that true? She is gone for good?<<

I heard the woman who birthed and raised me speaking about divorce.

>>Is that true? You both want to divorce?<< NK felt his deepest anger growing and growing. His mother touched his arm and laughed.

>>If you were a man, I would kill you.<<

Hearing NK's words, his mother took a sharp breath.

>>There will never be divorce. Not from my side. I will never sign those papers.<< She removed her hand from his arm.


>>Don't dare to use people our family know to get us divorced. Don't you dare to go against me. If you do even breathe in that direction, I will kill you. No matter if birthed me.<<

>>NK, wait...<<

>>I really don't want to hear your sh*t.<<

He took one deep breath and closed his eyes.

>>From today I am not your son and you are not my mother anymore. I break all bonds with you and the whole family.<<


>>I hate you and everything what this family stands for.<<

She walked in front of him to look into his face.

>>NK, what are you saying?<<

NK looked straight to front, his eyes cold.

>>NK, calm down. We can talk about this later because you seem to be too upset. Tomorrow is a new day my son.<<

Teri Deewani / Crazy for youWhere stories live. Discover now