Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

Lucknow Jail

Slowly, slowly his feet start to move and he took place on one of the chairs. Judge Aslam looked down on the papers in his hands.

>>I have some questions for you, Mr. Kamal.<<

Shiyam looked around in the room and asked himself what questions this man has to ask him.

>>First question is, when did you get last time a visit from your family?<<

Shiyam gulped hard. Picture of blurred faces came on his mind. He couldn't even remember how they looked anymore. Five years in prison tarnished his memories.

>>No, Sir, nobody visited me since I am here in prison.<< His low voice reached Judges ears.

>>But why? Are they distanced them from you because you did this all these evil things?<< Shiyam looked back into this strangers eyes and found only friendliness inside them.

>>Ji, Sir.<< It was better to not to tell the truth. He would also not believe him like everyone else. And what if they beated him like in the first days at prison? Shiyam learned through the time that nobody here wanted to hear his truth. He gave up already long time ago.

>>Mr. Kamal? Mr. Kamal? I am asking you something.<< Shiyam was deep in his thoughts when the voice of the stranger came through him. >>Mr. Kamal, I heard you are married. Is that true?<<

>>Huh? I am sorry, what?<< Shiyam was back from his thoughts and was listening carefully.

>>I was talking about your wife Mr. Kamal. How was her name?<<

Mr. Aslam looked down on his papers while he spoke. The words which brought Shiyam back to his dreams. It brought back the memories of her eyes.

Her name laid on his tongue waiting to be spoken out. Anjali.

But he was not Shiyam Gupta anymore and he will definitive keep her name for himself. They took him already everything. This was the only thing which they will never know and never take him away.

This name is his, only his. It is burned inside his heart. He didn't know how the name of the wife from this Kamal was, so he decide to stay mum.

>>Mr. Kamal, please answer me.<< Shiyam closed his eyes and felt his heart beating faster. Everything in him screamed thousand times.


But his lips stayed closed.

Room next door

The door was lightly open and Zoya looked through the small door crack. She started to sob and felt Sanjays presence. He placed his hand on her shoulder and spoke.

>>I am so sorry Zoya. I didn't want to bring you in this situation but I needed your help. Don't worry he can't see you.<<

Suddenly she did something what Sanjay didn't expect from her. What not even she expected from herself to do ever. She turned around and threw herself on his chest and cried her heart out. She head Sanjays voice.

>>I promise he will not harm you. I am here and I will protect you.<<

She looked up to him and spoke silently, >>he is not my husband.<<

Both stopped to breathe. Sanjay, because the realization hit him that her husband was still outside and that his assumption was right. The man who sat with the Judge was innocent. And Zoya was breathless because she was so close to him and because she felt some trust in this man. She knew for some reasons that he was going to protect her.

Teri Deewani / Crazy for youWhere stories live. Discover now