Chapter 26

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Chapter 26


Khushi was excited. And scared. And maybe a little ashamed. She touched her cheek and smiled. She thought about Arnav's words. Her face was still all over red whenever she thought about what he said.

She walked to the wardrobe and looked at this all beautiful clothes. Her eyes wandered around but she was totally unsure what to wear. She wanted to be pretty for him. Khushi turned around and walked to the sideboard to open one of the drawers. There was her whole new underwear waiting for her to use it. This all new beautiful stuff which were mostly made of silk didn't fit for a girl like her but somehow Arnav saw it fitting. She took one of the Victoria secret bras and asked herself how would such a thing look on her body. This one had the clasp between the two cups. She felt again this heat when she thought how Arnav opened it and touched her breasts. He wouldn't even need to touch her back because the clasp was in front of him.

Khushi walked back to the wardrobe and took a beautiful red salwar kameez out. It had the same color like the new underwear. Khushi walked to the bathroom to prepare herself for their first night. Well she should call it their second night but she felt somehow it was right to name this night their first night. But then suddenly pictures of their first night came to her mind and she became scared. What if it pained again?

Somewhere in London

NK took fainted Lavanya into his arms and walked to the bed. He laid her carefully on the pillow and couldn't move his glance away from her face. There was one tear on her cheek that he hated and needed to remove. His hand move slowly to her face and removed this lonely tear that reminded him on her pain. He turned around to look at his mother's shocked face and then he knew it. Lavanya was speaking the truth. She was on his door and he have no idea about it.

He walked firm and fast to his mother, placed his hand on her arm and pulled her behind him, out of the room. He closed the door and turned again around to his mother. He let her arm go and look deep in her eyes. He want to see her facial expression while he spoke to her.


His mother look down on her hand and stuttered. >><<

>>Yes you know. Look in my face and tell me that she lies.<<


>>Really? Should I ask someone else? When was she here? Speak, mom! Don't make me angry. I warn you.<<

His mother found her strength and spoke this time more confident.

>>How dare you speak in this tone with me? I am your mother.<<

>>And this is the only reason why I am listening to you. When was she here? Was it the night when I wanted to fly back to India and dad asked me to go to this meeting? Was it this night?<<

NK looked into his mothers face and took his smartphone out of his pocket. He dialed the number of his cousin. His mother stood there and observed his movements. She was totally pale and held her sari deep in her fists.

>>Hello? Jay? It's me NK.<<

>>Hey NK, what's up?<<

>>I need to ask you something. What happen in this one night?<<

>>Which night do you mean NK?<<

>>The night we went to my dad's meeting. The night I can't remember anymore, dammit.<<

Teri Deewani / Crazy for youWhere stories live. Discover now