Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

She closed her eyes and went back to this day. Everything was so suddenly present and painful even there was no physical pain anymore. The letter from him, that came and make her heart beat faster. The happiness about this. The accident. She took a deep breath and spoke.

>>I was making Jalebi in the kitchen and the post man came with your letter. I was so excited that your letter came and I wanted to read it. I asked Buaji for permission to open it first.<<

Khushi stopped for a moment to take a deep breath.

>>Buaji gave the letter to me but I lost it. It fell down from my hands on the floor and I just wanted to pick it up when the pot with hot oil fell down on my back.<< Listening to the horrible story about Khushi's incident, Arnav pulled her firmer into his hug and she felt his warm breath against her hair.

Silence ruled between them and Khushi thought that the conversation was over, when words started to flow from her mouth without her will.

>>The day I said all these mean words to you...<< Arnav took one sharp breath.

>>Don't talk about it.<<

>>No, please listen. The day when I told you this things was the most terrible day of my life. I was forced from my uncle to tell all this. I mean he told me to say whatever I wanted just to get you out of this house. He didn't tell me to say exactly this...<< Khushi felt Arnav's body becoming firm and cold like a statue.

>>He told me to make you and Anjali to leave at any cost.<<

There was a pause but Khushi wanted, no, needed to continue to tell Anrav her truth. Maybe then he will understand her a little better. Maybe he will be able to forget and forgive.

>>He gave me this letter for Anjali and told me that I got three days to bring you to leave from here or he will kill you.<<

Khushi closed her eyes firmer to stop memories on this day to flood her mind.

>>I think he saw us kissing because he told me that he didn't like that you dared to touch me.<<

I think he was angry because of our kiss.

>>You need to believe me, Arnav. Please believe me. I just wanted to protect you.<< After she ended, there was no reply, no words were spoken. He was silent and his silence was unbearable for Khushi.

She looked up in hope to see some feelings in his face and hoped to find the evidence of his trust in her words. She turned her head to him and saw up into his eyes.

>>I never wanted to hurt you.<< His dark eyes look to her but she couldn't read from them.

>>I didn't know any other way to make you leave.<<

>>Why didn't you come with me Khushi?<<

>>Uncle Shashi held Shiyam down in the cellar and he told me if I dared to leave with you, he will let him pay for everything. I couldn't flee with you knowing that Shiyam is suffering becuse my decision. I just couldn't leave my brother back, Arnav.<< She placed her palm on his cheek.

>>I didn't have time to think about some other way at that time. Maybe I should have come to you and tell you everything, but I was young and stupid. At this time, what I did was for me the only right way to protect you. I knew you would never leave me so easily. So I hurt you with my words and I am sorry for this.<<

There was a big silence between them with heaviness that was never present before. Different prayers run through Khushi's head. She prayed for his trust and that he believed her words.

Teri Deewani / Crazy for youМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя