Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Letter two:

Dear Buaji,

We have left Lucknow and live now in Delhi. I have met this old lady, who has invited us to live with her. She was a professor in London and teach me a lot about mathematics and economy. Di is fine and has helped me with this letter a little. You know, words and writing things on paper, are not something I am good at.

Buaji, one day I am coming back. Promise.


Khushi read the letter and cried silent tears. Sitting on the floor, leaning against her bed and holding her ears, Khushi remembered what happened after Mr. Malik confessed, he was actually Arnav.

>>Arnav? You?<<

The person in front of her stood like he didn't have any worries in this world and answered.

>>Yes, me. The one and only. Arnav<<

He turned around and couldn't see her happy face, after Khushi realized the man in front of her was her childhood love. She was truly and deeply happy to see him again and walked unconsciously toward him, to get closer.

>>I can't believe it's you.<<

>>Why, because I look like this? Because I wear expensive clothes and have money? Because I am rich?<<

Arnav still didn't turn around when he spoke, but Khushi didn't feel weird about his behavior. She was just happy to know that he was finally back in Lucknow. Back to her.

>>No, I am just surprised that my first assumption was right when I first saw you. It was you at the temple, right? I wasn't wrong. It was you this day.<<

>>Yes, it was me. So what?<<

His voice was extremely cold but Khushi ignored everything that wasn't important for her heart. What was important is, that Arnav was back and she finally felt happy and complete, since he left her back so many years ago.

>>Why didn't you say something when I talked to you, Arnav?<<

He turned his heat to side so that Khushi could see his profile, but not his full face. She could still feel the coldness, even she couldn't see his whole face and the expressions written on it.

>>You mean something like: Hello Khushi. I am happy to see you, after so many years.<<

Khushi wanted to say something but he was faster than her.

>>Well, I am not. In fact, you don't even exist in my universe anymore. You are just a maid, so do your fucking job!<<

Arnav turned to Khushi, moved his cold eyes over her form and left her after the bomb that he has just dropped on her. Step by step one very shocked Khushi moved toward the house but then Arnav appeared right in front of her.

Khushi was so surprised about his sudden appearance, that she slipped on the ground but Arnav caught her and held her against his firm body. His face was so close that she could nearly taste his lips with hers.

>>This is my first and last warning, Khushi. If you ever try this with one of my business partners, guests or any fucking man in this universe, I myself will give you what you want so desperately from them. And I do not mean the money, Khushi.<<

His eyes looked down on her lips before he spoke again.

>>Now, I want you to go back to Lavanya and stay there.<<

Teri Deewani / Crazy for youWhere stories live. Discover now