Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

Lucknow Jail

Shiyam looked to side of the room because he heard some noise coming from there. Detective Saxena stood there and it looked like someone was behind him. Suddenly this person moved to the side and Sanjay looked into a unknown face. Whoever she was, she didn't move anymore. Mr. Saxena placed his hand on her shoulder and she looked back to him. He gave her the sign to look at Shiyam and she did it. She bore formally her eyes into Shiyams eyes.

The moment was broken from the voice of Judge Aslam.

>>So Mrs. Kamal, is this your husband?<<

Her eyes moved now to the Judge and she spoke.

>>No, Mr. Aslam. I never saw this face.<<

The Judge looked into Shiyam's face and spoke.

>>Mr. Saxena told me you said in the beginning here in prison your name is Shiyam Gupta. Is that true?<<

Shiyam was mum. He was shocked and shattered. Could he trust that finally somebody believed him? Judge Aslam was waiting for his answer some time but when Shiyam didn't answer, he continued speaking.

>>Answer, Shiyam.<<

Shiyam closed his eyes. This was the second time someone said his real name. He heard another voice. >>Shiyam, we need to find out who did this to you. So speak and help us. How did you came here?<<

And then all walls which Shiyam build all this years were destroyed and he remembered this day when they brought him here. How they beat him for hours. The more he repeated his real name the more they beat him to shut him up. His lips parted slowly and he spoke.

>>I don't know how I came here and who brought me here. I don't even know why I am here.<<

Judge Aslam looked to Sanjay.

>>Tell him how did you find about him.<<

Sanjay nodded and looked to Shiyam. He want to walk to him but Zoya held his arm and he didn't want to force her to let him go.

>>I am here because rumors about this prison and the police station of Lucknow reached Police Ministry. We have proof that many police officers are involved into criminal acting and corruption. My job is to find all policemen, detectives, officers, and other workers who are part of the corruption circle. I was send only for this to Lucknow.<<

This is all what Sanjay could say. More information was not allowed. He was so much more than a simple policeman. He worked hard to keep his country safe and corruption was one of the biggest dangers to India's democracy. He is here to clean this nest of criminals. Judge Aslam was also involved but Shiyam and Zoya didn't need to know all this.

Judge Aslam wrote Zoya's and Sanjay's declaration and started to organize Shiyam's discharge. They came to the result that Shiyam should be moved to one secret place till they find out which policemen were involved into his case. Zoya looked to them and asked Sanjay if she could speak to him alone. They walked back into another office and Sanjay closed the door behind them.

Zoya turned around to look into his asking face.

>>Mr. Saxena, I want to remind you on your promise that you have given me.<<

Sanjay walked one step toward her and then stopped when he saw that she wasn't comfortable with this.

>>I gave you my word, Zoya and I intend to fulfill every word.<< She took the black bag that she brought with her and placed it into his hand.

Teri Deewani / Crazy for youKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat