I waved over the waitress. I couldn't drink that coffee no matter what. I wasn't choosy but coffee was... well, coffee.

"May I get another cup with less milk, please?" I looked up at the waitress and she nodded with that professional smile that seemed like she could be a psychopath about to murder me or a condescending kindergarten teacher.

"I am listening Nevin." I turned back to her.

Her gaze was unfocused. She was silent and her eyebrows were furrowed.


I remember, at the time, I thought she was having a seizure. I was about to touch her when she pointed to her neck with that unfocused, numb gaze that disturbed me so much.

"You have a hickey on your neck."

I instantly covered it with my hand and straightened up. I forgot to cover it. Damn you, Demont, I thought.

Nevin had a blank expression and I was confused. I didn't know what the big deal was. And I was relieved she didn't have to go to the hospital for brain damage.

"Is that why you are feeling great?"

"And what if it is?" I shrugged.

Nevin flinched. She thought I was being patronizing, thinking it is an attack on her part. It was just a challenging question. But I forgot I wasn't speaking with Demont.


She was very silent after.

I don't know if she thought our time will be limited and I will soon be to my old miserable self or if she was jealous or if she simply didn't like the idea of selling myself, as she liked to say. But from that point we became strangers.

Nevin was a saint.

But even saints, do unholy things.



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Demont was an exception to everything I have ever known from the moment I laid my eyes on him. Because somehow I let him touch me. I let him be with me when I wanted to be alone. I let him call me Lovelle because I liked the way it sounded on his tongue. But the only exception I could not grant was being with me.

Demont was right. The main reason I didn't date was, I didn't let anyone like me let alone love me. I was alright with that. You don't find monsters in caves with other abominations. You find them alone because that is where they are better off being.

I thought getting him out of my system was going to work. It didn't. I was zoning out more than before. Sheila hit me twice already.

I spit out the blood and ripped the gloves off with my teeth.

"Are you okay?" Sheila rushed to me. I grabbed her head and threw her on the mattress like a child. Oh well. You probably wouldn't do that to a child.

"Yeah, kiddo."

"Does this have to do something with the fact you didn't come home until this noon?"

"Are you asking me how I spend my nights?" I raised my eyebrows in challenge. Sheila blinked, cringed and backed away with raised hands.

"Forget I asked something," she said with a disgusted expression and walked away.

I laughed bemusedly. I knew Sheila would do that. Any kind of intimacy intimidated her and I felt bad for taking advantage of that.

"I would like to know."

I flinched and looked over my shoulder. Elora was standing down at the side of the rink with arms crossed over her chest. She was looking at me with those judgy eyes.

"I wasn't stealing anything." I don't know why I needed to defend myself. Elora despised the Sincity. She never truly accepted the fact, she is stuck in this forever. She was clever enough to know what it all means. But she was stupid enough to think one day she will escape.

Is hope stupid to you?

Yes. Because in Sincity things like hope, kill you.

You said you wanted to preserve that hope... What? You don't have an answer for once?

"I don't believe you." the little brat said.

"I don't need you to believe me, kiddo." I bent over and stuck out my tongue. Elora's grey eyes flashed and she didn't even move a muscle when she frowned with them.

"Yes, you do."

I gulped. I straightened and jumped out of the rink.

"Little shit," I mumbled. Elora was still staring at me and I was staring back, unwrapping my hands. I opened my mouth with a curse on my tongue.

"She really wasn't stealing anything Miss Elorie." Demont walked around the corner. As convenient as always. I threw the bandages away, my eyes on him. He was wearing that sinister, smug smile I wanted to wipe right off his face. Elora was staring at him now but it didn't seem to bother him. He beckoned his finger to me.

"Can I talk to you?"

He looked hot, I'll admit that. But he looked so serious it almost disturbed me. Almost.

I nodded.

Sheila and Elora watched us with those thoughtful eyes that made them so similar and annoying when I followed Demont to the lockers. He opened the door for me and I turned around and tried to turn the switch on. Nothing.

"Not again. Fuck." I muttered under my breath. Demont didn't seem to mind. He walked past me like he intended to remind me of his scent. Of how I breathed it in when we were fucking in his sheets the other night.

Demont determinedly walked through the gloom, the light from the small windows below the ceiling occasionally showing his strong back I scratched the hell off last night. My hand touched the fading hickey I covered up with concealer. And with an intake of breath, I followed him.

He turned left behind the last row of lockers. Where he found me when I was only wearing a towel. Where I treated Sheila the day I met Demont.

He didn't say anything. He didn't complain about the limited light. I leaned on the lockers as he paced in front of me.

"You wanted to talk."

He turned to me. He got so close my back hit the lockers. My heart started beating a little too fast. I started sweating a little too much and my body felt a little too hot. He smelled like heaven. The earthy one with mint in the clouds and waves in the sky. He burned me with how close he was. His golden eyes melted my icy heart and his rage glistened on his neck.

"I want to fuck you again," he said lowly.


Hehe. Hehehehehehehe. He. He.

Nah I'm good.

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See ya on Monday!

See ya on Monday!

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