Sweet And Bitter Revenge

Beginne am Anfang

Can you say busted? Awkward! "Oops." I giggled sneakily as I tried really hard not to laugh but I couldn't.

"Get off my desk you too!" The teacher scolded at us as she pointed her finger at the tables. "Go sit!"

"Oí, que malhumorada." I muttered in Spanish as I walked to my seat. "We were just having fun."

"And turn off the radio immediately!" She demanded angrily at a student as she walked inside with three students behind her. "What is the meaning of this?" She rounded her finger around as she looked at each of us. "Miss Arden, care to explain?"

"Nop." I popped the P as I put my legs on the table and crossed them together with an attitude. "I'm good." I waved her off and that made her angrier.

"Do you want to have detention Miss Arden?" She crossed her arms and looked at me with a smug look on her face.

I got my feet off the table and stood up, glaring at the teacher challengingly. "I would like to see you try." She looked away from my harsh glare, avoiding my eyes. "Thought so." I sat back on my chair, leaning backwards.  

The class soon finished and it was already time for my revenge. I smirked evilly and made my way to the backyard, where majority of the students were sitting during lunch and where my plan of revenge was. I walked toward my friends and looked how everything was going. "Everything's in order?" They nodded and I grinned cheekily, walking toward my microphone and cleared my throat. "Can I have your attention please!"

Everyone in the backyard turned to look at me with confusion written all over their faces as to why we have instruments in the backyard. "You guys are probably wondering why we have musical instruments out here, well the question is easy!" I shouted through the microphone. "We decided to play for you guys in our Lunch period." The students whistled and cheered loudly. "This is a special song and it goes out for you, baby." I spat baby out bitterly and blew Jackson a kiss, who looked totally confused but high five with his friends.

Laugh while you can baby.

I froze when I saw a certain guy standing next to his friends, his tattooed arms crossed as he stared at me with a blank expression on his face. I still don't know why my heart jumps every time my eyes connect with his.

Maybe because you kissed him? Correction. He kissed me. But you liked it. Why am I having an inner battle with myself? I huffed loudly as I shook my head to clear my thoughts.

"I picked you out in a crowd of a thousand faces, yeah I found you oh. I chose the whys and the whens all the random places, yeah I chose you Oh." I walked toward Jackson while singing. "I let you see me, let you believe it was your move, so smooth, my rules."

I crawled on top of his table until I was in front of him. "Well you think you are the one who got me boy nah I got you. I've been playing with you like a little toy yeah I got you I got you, I got you." I pointed at his chest.

I smirked at him as his eyes widened and drew circles on his chest. "You'd be surprised all the times that I almost told you but I stayed cool." I sighed dramatically and lay on the table facing him. "I almost broke but I knew I would get to haunt you cuz I'm no fool."

I stood on my knees and caressed his chin with my fingers. "You came back to me and did the very thing I knew that you'd do oh." I got off the table and walked back toward the guys. "Well you think you are the one who got me boy nah I got you. I've been playing with you like a little toy yeah I got you."

"I got you." I looked behind my shoulder. "You gave me all control." I turned around completely as I stared hard at Jackson. "I took your heart and soul. For me I'm gonna roll. I got you you you." I pointed specially at him as I sang bitterly.

I put my microphone back and sang. "I got you yeah. I got you and I love it. I got you. Yeah I got you. I got you and I love it. I got you. Yeah I got you." I winked as I pointed at Jackson direction. "Well you think you are the one who got me boy nah I got you. I've been playing with you like a little toy yeah I got you." I finished my song and blew Jackson a kiss.

"You know what Jacky poo. I always thought that women were the ones to kiss & tell but nowadays it's the other way around. You can get me anytime you want? Really? Well guess what Jackson you can kiss my ass goodbye." The entire school snickered and laughed pointing at Jackson, making him blush a deep shade of red. "And PS I was the one who broke up with your cheating ass."

He stood from his table and stomped away angrily. "Hey! Jacky? Where are you going! I thought we were having fun here darling! Please don't leave me." The students laughed harder and clutched at their stomachs as Jackson walked past them furiously.


"That was awesome! Did you guys see Jackson's face! Best revenge ever." I laughed with my friends, flipping my hair behind my back, pretending not to feel a certain person's eyes boring holes behind my back.

"Hey, you guys were pretty awesome out there." William commented as he walked toward us. "I wanted to invite you guys this Friday. I'm organizing a pool party at my house, you are all invited." He gave each of us an invitation. "I would like for you lots to play at my party. I'll even pay you all for your service."

"It's fine with me." I shrugged it off as I smiled genuinely at William. "Will there be alcohol?" I asked curiously with a raised eyebrow. "Of course babe." He winked at me and I shook my head at his poor attempt to flirt with me. "Anything for you." He smirked cockily as he crossed his arms. "So, will you guys play at my party?"

"Of course bro." Greece butted in as he gave William a man hug and a special guy hand shake. "Anything for you." Greece smirked as he made fun of will.

William laughed humorlessly at Greece as he rolled his eyes. "Anyway bro, see you guys on Friday." He winked at me and turned around to walk toward his group of friends. "Guess we're going to a party this Friday."

The Heart Wants What It Wants *Completed* (Old Version) Being renewedWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt