Chapter #188

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Angel POV:
I am getting ready for my wedding. It's next week. I been Back in Australia a year now. And got good news today. I'm seizure free. I still take my meds just in case I still have small one. I so happy.

Jess POV:
Are you excited for your wedding tomorrow I'm happy back and having no more seizures you say one day you be seizure free and come true. Let's go to work and tell the other boys about you being seizure free. Huz is working at Tomo beach today.

Hoppo POV:
Hey sweetie you been back in Australia for a year. I happy you found Huz and get tomorrow at Bonte. We got to work.

Angel POV:
I have very good news for you all.

All lifeguards:
What is the good news?

Remember that I said I will be seizure free?

All lifeguards

I'm seizure free as yesterday. I'm still on meds but the test all came back fine.

All lifeguards
We happy for you.

Angel POV:
I need to go Marbra and stay with Olya tonight and I see you all tomorrow at my wedding. Please be careful and try not to get too drunk. We all laugh at that.

Huz POV:
I'm happy to be getting married tomorrow it's been a year since Angel's been to Bondi and back with her brother and her family. We're having a bachelor party tonight we promise not to get too drunk or in trouble with the cops. We are having a good time we talk about work and some of the ones with kids. We all went home and got ready for bed.

Angel POV
We have a good time at my bridal shower in my bachelorette party talking to the girls and having fun with the kids. I talked to Kobe's wife all night. I got called from the India cricket team. They made it back to Australia for my wedding I'm so happy I get to see Roo and his family. My old Boss Ray-lee and his family is coming to my wedding. We went to bed.

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