Chapter #21

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Angel POV:
Today I delivery a healthy baby girl I glad that nothing went wrong. I happy to help. Hi Hoppo. Hi Angel, you did really good with the lady and kept her clam and. deliver the baby with no help. Yeah, it wasn't the only baby I deliver. I help my cousin with twins and a just 3 months ago I help her deliver another baby. Cool. Yes no one would help her, and an Ambo would take 30 mins to get there so I was the only one home after work, so I help. We are talking about how our day at work was. You did a good job seeing a flash rip today. While you were at lunch and help with 2 seizures too. I was glad to be there went they happen. We here to help others. That all I remember.

Hoppo POV:
Angel just stops talking we look and see her having an absence seizure Quinn is timing this time. How many has she had today? This is her 3rd one Karrbox said. The 1st was only 30s. The 2nd was only 40s. She starts looking around how long it was 33s this time. Okay we will keep the time every time this happen. Let go home. Jess and Angel see you tomorrow. Came in at 7:00 please. And let us know if you need any of us. We will Hoppo.

Jess POV:
We made it home Angel looks tired we made a pizza last night and still have one left, so we eat it, and Angel took her meds, and we went to bed. I hope tomorrow is a better day for my sister. Good night moonlight.

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