Chaper #51

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Angel POV:
I got up not able to breathe I use my inhaler. I wait for it to work it don't for 5 mins, so I try a breathing treatment. It works. I call Hoppo.

Hi Hoppo I'm not able to work today. I can't breathe well, and the breathing treatment did work.

Okay you can stay in my office I don't want you alone today.

Okay I get Jess or Maxi to bring me to your office.

Okay thanks you for telling me.

You're welcome.

Hoppo POV:
There is a knock on the office door I said come in. It was Singlets. Hey welcome back. It good to be back the others be here soon. Our girl lifeguard is going to be in my office today she not feeling good but can't be alone for a long time. What wrong with her? She has bad Asthma and Seizures. She had one 3days ago and in up in the hospital with a bad. Stomach infection. Okay. I know what to do My mom and brother both has seizure. Okay that good. There was another knock on the door. This time it was Angel.

Angel POV
Hoppo open the door and I see another lifeguard in there I never meet. Hi, my name is Sakura Pollock, but everyone here calls me Angel. Hi, my names are Trent Falson, but everyone here call me Singlets. Call I'm happy to meet you. I hope we can work together without much trouble. Don't worry we be good friend. Okay I'm going to lay down. Okay.

Singlets POV:
It was nice to meet Angel and she don't look like she feels too good. Hey Hoppo I'm going to the tower. Okay see you later. See you.

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