Chapter 107

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Angel POV;
My chest is still hurting I keep seeing stars. Hey Sunny where Hoppo? He just run the defib down to whippet. Okay. Bubby is whining. I know buddy it hurt worst then it did. He jumps up on me and try to get me down on the floor but I'm the only one in the tower.

Cenctral to all lifeguards.
Eyes off water.

All Lifeguards to Central

Hoppo POV:
I hear what Angel said but I hear Buddy whinning in the background. I run over and see Angel laying down. Hey Sweetie you okay? No chest hurt worst and Buddy was trying to make me lay down. So I did. Or radio went off.

Black Rhino to Central and Hoppo
We have a shark. We seen it on a recuse.

Hoppo to black rhino.
Copy get the jetski out.

Black rhino

Angel POV:
I keep going in and out of causation. I had a pain go though my chest. 

Hoppo help a bad pain. 

Come on Angel try to stay awake I'm call Quinn up.

Hoppo to Quinn
Please come up it unget. I'm in the tower.

Quinn to Hoppo
On my way up.

Hoppo POV:
Quinn on his was please try to stay awake. She don't look so good. Quinn run in. What happen? She been having chest pain now she can hardly stay awake.

Quinn POV:
Oh no sweetie. I look at her she really pale. I checked her pulse it weak. Quinn Hoppo I'm sorry please let Jess and Maxi know I'm fighting this and come back to them and you guys too you all my family. Don't talk like that. I see her eyes roll back and stopped breathing and no heart beat. F**k defib and oxygen mask. We have everything set up. I start CPR. Come on sweetie. Come on Angel. We need to let the boys know I on it hey Sunny yes please. We shock her 1x she back.

Cenctral to All Lifeguards
Angel down we doing CPR.

All Lifeguards to Central.
What!!! Keep us updated on her please.

Cenctral to all lifeguards
Will do.

Sunny POV:
They all asked us to keep them updated. We will. She breathing all on her on and her heart is beating. That good. What cast it to happen? Don't know. We see Jess run in. No sis not again. What is it Jess? It her when she has so many visions or has bad asthma attck. But she woke up with chest pains.

Angel POV:
Hi guys sorry. I saw mom and or aunt and uncle. They told me it not my time. I'm okay but want to go to the hospital. Okay. Hey Hoppo can Jess go with me? Yes I call in Bisho and West in to cover for you. Thank you Hoppo. The ambulance is here I see Yak. Hi angel hi she stopped breathing her heart stoped and shock her once. Okay let get you to the hospital. Bye guys.

Hoppo POV:
That was scary. Yes it was Lets tell the guys on the beach.

Hoppo To all Lifeguards.
Angel on her way to the hospital.

All Lifeguards to Hoppo
Thank you please keep us updating.

Hoppo to all lifeguard
Well do.

Jess POV:
We on the hospital. It hurts to see my sister so weak. Yak asked you, okay? I'm scared for my sister. We all are. I done the paperwork on my sister. Just waiting with Buddy.

Angel POV:
You under stress and your seizure are getting bad. I would just work in the tower for 2 months it may help oh you on oxygen for 2 months. Okay thank you can you please get my brother and my service dog. Yes, be right back. Hi little brother I under stress and only can work in the tower for 2 months I'm on oxygen for 2 months. Oh sis. I love you. Love you bro. Lets call Hoppo

Hi Hoppo I have to work in the tower for 2 months and on oxygen for 2 months.

Okay thank you for letting me know I put you in the tower.

Thank you.

Hoppo to all Lifeguards
Angel is okay just have to be in the tower for 2 months.

All Lifeguards to Hoppo
Thank you for lets us know.

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