Chapter #113

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Angel POV:
We made it to Bondi I feel really weak. Hey bro I don't think I can make it to the tower. Okay I pick you up and take you in the tower. Thank you. Anytime. I see Deano and H in the tower they turn around and asked where Buddy? At the vet he sicks with a bad cold. I feel weak and that why Jess picks me up and took me up here. Okay let us know if you feel worst. I will.

Hoppo POV:
Jess just Told me that Angel is weak and can't stand for very long. Okay thank you for telling me. It may be a bad day with no service dog. Okay she with H and Deano in the tower. Can you work on the beach to cover for her, and you be close if something happens. Yes, I go get ready then.

Angel POV:
I gone into a vision.

The Vision
I see Sunny and a new girl we call Julis working well together. I am working with them. I very happy.

Angel POV:
I hope that one come true. 

Oh sorry boy it was a vision it a good one. I see a hand gone up.

Cantal to Blue rhino
There a hand gone up 25 meters to your right.

Blue Rhino to Cantal
Copy Jess going in.

Deano POV:
I see Angel Smiling. It makes me happy I hear a knock on the door. I went and answered it. Hi how can I help you? I see him touch his ear okay. Hey Angel, can you come here. He deaf. Coming.

Angel POV:
Hi how can we help you?

I fell and hurt my arm. My name is Bill.

Okay come and set we will help you I'm called Angel this is Deano.


You may have broken your arm I would go to the hospital or Dr.

Okay thank you. I go to the Dr. I'm glad you could help and know sign language. See you around.

You're welcome. See you.

Deano POV:
Thank you Angel I'm really glad that you know sign language. I happy to help. We went up stairs when I see Angel start to fell I got be hide her and she fell on top of me H radio Hoppo and Jess up. Angel passes out and on top of me I can't move.

Cantal to Hoppo and Jess
Can you please come to the tower it unget.

Hoppo to Central
Copy on my way up.

Matt Dee To Central
Jess is on a recuse I let him know.

Central to Hoppo and Matt Dee.
Copy thanks.

They on their way. Okay she is having a seizure. Please time. Okay.

Hoppo POV:
I run to the tower and see Deano on the floor with Angel on top of him. She is having a seizure. What happen? She passes out and start to fell down the stairs. I catch her but this is how we end. Okay how long has the seizure started? Just 1 min. Okay. The seizure stopped. Jess came running in. We help Deano to get up, but I see his hand in a twist. Angel coming too. Hey Sweetie, how are you feeling?

I feel sick and dizzy.

It okay just rest.

I will thanks can you asked Hoppo if I can lay in his office.


Jess POV.
She said she tried and dizzy and want to know if she can stay in your office? Yes, she can let take to my office. I pick her up.

Hoppo POV:
Are you okay Deano? Yes, I get my arm check after work. Okay let wrap it so no more can hurt it. We did. I check on you later I'm going to check on Angel and stay there. Okay Boss.

Jess POV:
I made Angel lay on the couch. She looks so weak. It the 2nd time she passes out today. We need to get that check soon. Hey Hoppo thank again for let her stay here. Hey, it okay she can just rest, and I keep an eye on her. Thank you again. I Checked on her later.

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