Chapter #114

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Hoppo POV:
I was working on my computer when I hear Angel say my name. Hey are you okay? Yes, thank you for letting me stay in your office. You very welcome.

Angel POV:
Is Deano, okay? Yes, he is maybe hurt his arm that all. Ok I'm so sorry I hope it not broken. It okays he would take all the hit, so you don't get hurt worst. Okay can I go back to the tower? Yes, let me help you. He picks me up. Hi guys. In the tower is Deano and Maxi. Hey Sweetie, you okay. Yes, how are you, Deano? I'm good I'm not hurt bad. Okay. Hey Hoppo can I go to the hospital something doesn't feel right?

Hoppo POV:
What wrong? I can't breathe and I feel really dizzy... I lay her down Deano hand me his coat and Maxi timing. The seizure started. We moved all the chairs. Deano is watching the beach. I asked time. 6 mins. F**k call an ambulance and Radio Jess up.

Central to Jess
Can you please come to the tower.

Max A to Central
Jess is on a recuse I let him know.

Central to Max A
Copy thanks.

Maxi POV:
He on a recuse Max A said he let him know okay and An Ambulance be 5 mins. She still having a seizure. I see Quinn. Hi Quinn, can you help please. Yep s**t he said how long? 8 mins. Jess come running in. f**k come on Sunlight you can beat this. I see him cry for the first time at work. Deano just said the ambo is here. It Yak. The seizure been going on for 11 mins now. F**k.

F**k I gave her a shot. The seizure stopped. I said who coming with both Deano and Jess. Deano needs his arm checked Angel fell on top of him this is her 2nd Seizure. Okay let go. We rode to the hospital. Where Buddy? At the vet his sick today. Angel started to have another seizure f**k we just got to the hospital. Sakura Pollock age 22 This is her 3rd Seizure today. Dean Gladstone age 30 hurt arm after Sakura Pollock fell on him at work. They got Angel and put her in a room and Deano in the room next door.

Dr Cullen POV:
22-year-old female name Sakura Pollock 3rd seizure today. I run and look I gave her a IV. Let run a MRI, CT scan, and An Ekg on her. I moved next door. A 30-year-old male hurt his after a co-worker fell on him during a seizure. Hi, my name is Dr Cullen. I want a Xray on his arm. F**k all tests came back okay on Sakura. Dean Gladstone has a bad spins arm. I moved them together in the same room and Sakura brother is with them.

Deano POV:
We are waiting on the Dr. I see Angel still out I hope everything is okay. The Dr came in and said I spin my arm. So, no hard working for a week. We put Sakura is in a coma, but she will be okay. Okay. Jess you, okay? No not again I almost lost her last Time in a coma. Hey bro it okay. I am crying so is Jess they said we can stay the night or 3 people can stay. We need to let Hoppo know.

Hi Hoppo I spin my arm. But we have bad news.

Okay I glad your arm not broken but what the bad news.

Angel is in a coma. The Drs put her in one for right now.

What!!!! I let all the boys and Nicola know.

Thanks Boss.

Anytime Jess. Take tomorrow off.

Thank again boss. I call if I need anything.

Hoppo POV:
F**k Angel is in a coma. I need to let the boys know. 

All Lifeguards
meet at the tower after work please even the one's at Tamo and Bonte.

All Lifeguards
Copy We meet.

Hoppo POV:
Why I call you all here is because Angel is in a coma the Drs put her in one. Deano has a spin wrist. What No we keep her in our prayers. Thank you I will keep you guys updated. Oh, Maxi you off tomorrow to help Jess he really sad. Okay Boss.

Jess twin sister (a bondi Recuse stoy.)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora