Chapter #90

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Angel POV:
I woke up not feeling good Buddy is whining a lot. I said go get Maxi. Buddy run out of my room. I see Maxi run in. Is everything okay Angel? No don't feel well and Buddy keep whining And I don't think I can get out of bed. Hey, it okay I call Hoppo and see if we can have the day off together. Okay thank you. You're welcome.

Maxi POV:
Angel Don't look too good I see if she has a fever. She does it 101 I called Hoppo.

Hi Hoppo Can me and Angel have the day off she sick and have a high fever. Of 101

Yes, you can Please call if you guy's need anything.

I will thank you.

Jess POV:
I got up and got ready. Where is Angel? Oh, we have the day off Angel got up sick and has a high fever. Oh no. Thank you for staying with her. You're welcome I call if we need any help. Okay see you guys. I made it to Bondi. Hey kid where Maxi and Angel? Angel got up sick and has a fever so she not coming in and maxi is taking the day off to keep an eye on her.
In the tower is Deano Bisho Matt Dee. Max A. Mouse and Quinn. I'm down south with who covering for Maxi? I am I see Glick just come in. Okay we down south. Okay we went I hope Angel feel better soon.

Angel POV:
I am setting trying to eat some soup. When Buddy starts to whine and bark oh no Go get Maxi Buddy, he run out of the room he come back with Maxi running in. He got me on the floor Buddy went under my head I can't remember after.

Maxi POV:
I was texting the boys when Buddy come running and braking, I went running to Angel room I help her to the floor. She starts to have a seizure. I start the timer. You okay sweetie you at home with Maxi and Buddy. She turning blue Buddy is licking she been seizing for 6 mins. I grab her phone and call 000.

what your emergency?

I need an Ambo my 22-year roommate is having a seizure and not breathing, and it been 7 mins and her service dog is licking her it helps a little.

Okay I am sending one your way and let the dog keep doing what he is doing.

They here thank you. You're welcome.
It Yak.

Yak POV:
It Angel what happen? She wasn't feeling well today and had a 10 min seizure. She stays not breathing right. Copy let get her to the hospital. Come on Buddy he was in his vest. Okay. We made it to the hospital. A 22-year-old women had a 10 min seizure and stop breathing. Her service dog got her breathing a little okay let get her in a room then we do some test.

Hey Hoppo Angel at the hospital she had a 10 min seizure and stop breathing.

What!!! I tell Jess and he can come to the hospital. Thank you for telling me.

You're welcome.

Hoppo POV:
I need to tell the boys and radio Jess up.
I walk over to the tower. Hi, I will radio everyone I just go some news on Angel.

Hoppo To all Lifeguards:
Angel is in the hospital. She had a 10 min seizure and stop breathing.

Jess To Hoppo
WHAT NO!!! Can I please go see her.

All Lifeguards to Hoppo and Jess:
Please keep us update and if you need Anything let us know.

Hoppo and Jess
Yes, Jess you can Go I'm coming too. And we will keep you Updated everyone.

Maxi POV:
We are waiting on The Dr I see Both Jess and Hoppo came in. We just waiting on the Dr. To come in. Okay.

Jess POV:
Hi Sunlight. I hope you feel better soon. Everyone said to get well soon. Hi I'm Dr Cullen. She has a bad chest cold this is why her seizure was so long she had a high fever. Okay. She can go home after this Iv is done. Okay. Here some meds she need to take 3x a day. Okay. Can she work tomorrow? Yes, only small stuff nothing big. That fine she be in the tower tomorrow. Okay thanks Hoppo.

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