Chaper #42

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Yetsey POV:
I am working in the tower with Angel and Quinn. Angel had a seizure. She looks like she still out of it. I asked hey Quinn dose it look like Angel is still out of it. Yes, it been 6 mins since the seizure. Hey Angel, you, okay? I don't know. Okay do you want me to get Hoppo back up here? Yes please.

Tower To Hoppo 

Can You Come Up Please.

Hoppo To Tower 

Copy Coming.

He on his way. She looks sick.

Hoppo POV:
I walk to the tower You call me up. Yes, Angel is still out of it, and she don't know why? Okay Hey Quinn can you do a full check on Her. Yes, let take her down and put her on the medical bed. Okay.

Quinn POV:
Something wrong with Sweetie. I check her over I don't see, or hear, or feel anything wrong hey Angel you okay she stop breathing I yell Hoppo I need help she stop breathing. F**ck I'm bagging her she turning blue I asked Hoppo to check her pulse please it weak. We need an Ambo I yell to Yetsey. I keep begging her she trying to breathe you can tell. I hear someone crying and see Hoppo crying. I said she be okay we are doing everything we can right now. I see her seizing again Hoppo help me turn her on her side. The Ambo is here It Yak. Shit yep this is her 2nd seizure in the pass 10mins and she stop breathing and turn blue before this seizure. Okay she stops it was 7mins long okay we taking her to the hospital can someone call Jess up to with her? Jess not here he bad sick Yestey can go. Okay Yestey can you go with Angel? Yes, I go. Okay I cover for you Hoppo said. Thank I let you know what the Dr say. Thank please do. I help put Angel in the ambo I see you after work some of us may come and see how she is doing.

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