Chapter #106

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Angel POV:
The next day I got up with my chest hurting. Hi brother I don't feel well today my chest is hurting okay. You let someone know if it gets worst. I will I'm going to call Hoppo and see if I can stay in the tower. I know Buddy I don't feel well he keep bumping my leg.

Hi Hoppo I got up with chest pains today and Buddy keep bumping me that mean it be a bad day.

Okay thank you for telling me you in the tower all day and please let someone know if your chest hurt worst.

I will thank you Hoppo. See you soon.

Jess POV:
Angel woke me up saying she was having chest pains. She said Hoppo is letting stay in the tower okay. Sis let get Maxi up now. Hey Maxi, it's time to get up. We all ate, and I see Buddy bumping Angel more hey Angel you, okay? No, I feel weak don't know why. Hey, it okay let get you in the tower or do you want to go to Hoppo office? Tower please. I pick her up she is very weak I put her on the chair in the tower is Hoppo Nicola and Glick. Hey is she okay? No, she weak and can't stand for very long. Okay I here for today both of these guys have paperwork so she not alone. I down south with H.

Hoppo POV:
Buddy jumps up on Angel and start licking her face we turn and see Angel blue. Oh no. I got the oxygen to help her breathe. Come on Angel you need to breathe. She starts to breathe.

Angel POV:
What happen? You stop breathing for a min. Oh I'm sorry I should quit soon. No Angel you just having a bad day. Please don't quit. Yes, please don't quit if you do, I be the only girl lifeguard. I haven't got a chance to work with you on the sand or in the water. Okay I stay. I radio Central to black rhino there 2 head 30 meter out in front of you. Copy Blaze is going in. I see stars. Hey Hoppo I'm getting dizzy. I see stars. Okay lay your head down and no more working today do you need anything. Some juice please I think it my sugar. Okay. Nicola said I go get you some thank you Sunny that your nickname you always happy and making me smile. Hey, I love it I love the sun and making people happy. Nicola to all lifeguards my nickname is Sunny. Welcome Sunny. Thank you. Way to go Angel you pick a good nickname for Nicola. You're welcome. My sugar is low it 32. Hi Hoppo it is my sugar is really low. Okay stay and don't move we work but you rest. Okay boss.

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