Chapter #54

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Angel POV:
I woke up coughing I accident woke Maxi and Jess. I'm okay. It from where I could breathe well yesterday. Okay sis. I got a text by unknown number.

Unknown number
You will be hurt. I'm coming after you if you don't stay away from Jess or Maxi.

Angel POV:
I'm in danger because Jess is my twin, I can't leave him. I don't I show this too Hoppo. I don't have anyone to hate me. We got ready and left for Bondi they drop me off and they went to Bronte beach. I went to Hoppo office.

Deano POV:
There was a knock on the door it was Angel. Hey Angel come in. Where Hoppo? He sicks today. Is there anything I can help with? Yes, maybe I'm just scared because of a text I just wanted to say if I'm not myself it because of this text here. I read it. It made me mad hey it okay. We here for you. Let go tell the boys and we keep an eye on you. Okay boy's Hoppo sick so I'm the boss today and please keep an eye on Angel, she will tell you why.

Angel POV:
Thank you, Deano. We went to the tower. I got a text today. Here what it said.

Unknown number

You will be hurt. I'm coming after you if you don't stay away from Jess or Maxi.

 I'm scared and where I have seizure. I may have one or 2. Okay Angel you in the tower with me and Singlets. Terry said okay thank you. Let get to work. The boys went on the beach Deano went to the office. 

"I'm glad I have those boys to have my back".

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