Chapter #15

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Sakura POV:
We got change and go down to the red and yellow flags We start to swim I'm having fun we got tired and got out I start wheezing an asthma attack I got my inhaler It's not working I yelled at Maxi to get a Lifeguard please my Inhaler is not working and can't breathe. I will be right back I see Max A and Bisho in the rhino.

Bisho POV:
We see Maxi running to us, I asked what wrong? Sakura is having an asthma attack and her inhaler not working. Okay stay calm and take us to her, we put some oxygen on her and radio Jess to see what we can do if this doesn't help. Okay thank you Bisho. She over here. We drive over to her and look like she's not breathing well. Please radio Jess and Hoppo. We will.  Blue Rhino to Jess and Hoppo can you come down to the red and yellow flags we have Sakura having an asthma attack and asking for you both.

To blue rhino on my way.

to Blue Rhino on my way.

they on their way lest try to calm down and breathe with me Max A asked she start to breathe with him.

Jess POV.
I'm down north and my radio went off it was Bisho asking for both me and Hoppo Sakura was having an asthma attack and asking for both me and Hoppo. I look at H-men he said go I be fine here she needs you. I went and saw Max A trying to get her to breathe with him. I see Hoppo coming down Hey Sunshine you are okay try to breathe with Max here we here for you. She calms down, and we got her to breathing back to normal and not wheezing as bad sorry my inhaler was not working it was never like this in a long time. Hey, it okay We help remember what Karrbox said we here to help who ever need it. okay thank again. She will be fine it been 5 years since something like this happen.

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