Chaper #36

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Hoppo POV:
We keep seeing Angel moving around a lot, but we keep working. There was a phone call Angel pick it up. Bondi Beach this is Sakura speaking okay thank you for letting us know. That was the mother of the little boy was saved he be okay. They keep him for the night. That good.

Angel POV:
It the end of the day I been laughing a lot today Taco and Glick both keep telling me jokes. We got the paperwork done. I look and see all the boy's smiling I think it because of me laughing. They never heard me laugh before. "I know I keep moving but I think I may have a few small seizures today. It doesn't stop me working or do the paperwork". Hoppo asked you, okay? Yes, sorry just got a small headache that all. Then Jess said do you think we need to keep an eye on you tonight. No, I be okay It one of the normal headaches not a I'm about to have a seizure one. Okay please let one of us know if it changes. I will. Let's go home yep let go. We made it home I made some pizza rolls for dinner. We eat and go to bed. I hope I don't have a bad night.

Jess POV:
I hope tonight not a bad night for Angel, I love her a lot. I would not trade her for anyone. It dose hurt me when she has a bad seizure or a real bad Asthma attack. Good night my Moonlight.

Maxi POV:
It hurts to see Jess so hurt. I love Angel as a little sister see her go through these seizures and asthma attack it hurt me see her like this, I know it hurts Jess more they brother and sister and twins at that. I hope Angel has more good days then bad.

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