Chapter #116

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Jess POV:
It been a week since Angel last seizure and the Drs put her in a coma. I went back to work but stay the night in the hospital. I can't see my sister like this. I bring Buddy every day. The Dr take Angel out of the coma, and she will wake up soon. I have to go to work. Dr said I could Leave Buddy here he be fine. Okay.

Angel POV:
I can hear everything the boys say. I miss them. I feel something on my legs feel like a dog. I open my eyes and see Buddy. Hi Buddy, I miss you. He barks and lick my face. I push the nurse button. The Dr come in. Oh, good to see you awake you had everyone really scared. I know. When can I leave? You can leave right now. If you want to. Yes please. I going to call Hoppo. Oh, when can I go back to work? Today only in the tower then back on the beach and water tomorrow. Okay.

Hi Hoppo How are you?

What you awake? 

I'm good I miss hearing your voice.

Yes, I'm awake. I be at Bondi in an hour. I get out and the Dr said I could work in the tower today.

It good you are getting out but you not working today. It your day off even before you when into a coma.

Oh okay. I'm still coming and surprise the boys if that okay?

Yes, you can come to my office first then we walk over.

Okay. I'm getting out now see you soon. Oh, I do have Buddy.

Okay see you soon.

Angel POV:
I sign the papers and walk out of the hospital. I see Koby. Hey Koby. No way you up and out of the hospital. Yes, I got out. Can you take me to Bondi and please don't tell Jess. Okay let go. He took Me to Hoppo office thank you bro. I really miss you. I miss you too.

Hoppo POV:
I answered the door and Angel is standing there with Koby. Hey come on in. Hi Hoppo I'm very happy to be back. So am I. Let go to the tower and see H and Deano. Okay let's go.

Angel POV:
We walk over to the tower I wait by the medical bed.

Hoppo POV
I said where Jess and Maxi at right now. Jess is down south, and Maxi is middle flags why? I have someone here to see all the boys.

Angel POV
I walk up and said Hi boys miss me? They all hug me. Let me radio Jess and Maxi up. Yes, please Hoppo.

Hoppo to Maxi and Jess
Can you come up to the tower there a surprise for both of you.

Maxi to Hoppo
Copy coming up.

Jess to Hoppo
Copy Coming up.

Angel POV:
I went and stood behind H. I see my brother and Maxi come up. Hey boss you asked for us. Yes look behind you. They turn around and spoke.

No way Angel you awake and here.

No way sunlight you awake and here I miss you.

Angel POV:
I'm here and be back to work tomorrow I'm okay please don't cry. I know it your 2nd time little moon, but you didn't loss me yet back then or now. I'm a fighter and I will always fight to come back to all of you. Thank you Sunlight I needed to hear that again. Love your bro all of you and the one on the beach.

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