Chpter #100

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Jess POV:
Hoppo asked me if I can change with Bisho because Angel is missing a lot. She not herself. I know this will happen. We miss 10 years being away from each other.  I glad that I get to work with Angel. Hey Maxi, how are you feeling? So better. I miss Angel so do I. She misses us too.

Angel POV:
I went to bed after talking to Jess and Maxi. They miss me two I hope to see Jess soon. Buddy is barking I pass out.

Yestey POV:
I was in the kitchen when I hear Buddy start barking then her something fell. I run to my guest room. Sh** she passes out not a seizure. She woke up. Hey Angel, you, okay? Yes, I gust I felt faint then fell. Okay. Thank you.

Jess POV:
I get to see my sister tomorrow. I be happy to see her. I got up and got ready. I said see you later Maxi tries to eat some soup. I will Jess. I made it to Bondi I see Sunlight go in the tower. Hi My Sunlight, I miss you. No way Little Sunlight. Yes, I'm working here today. I miss you. I miss you too big sis.

Angel POV:
Jess is here today. I glad I look and see we work all day together. Up north first the Middle flags then the tower for the rest of the day. We made it to north end. I really miss you Bro. I miss you too sis. I am going in. I go the girl and start to paddle in. Did you swallow any water? No I just weak and tired. Okay. Do you want an ambo? Yes, please I feel like about to pass out. Okay. How old are you and you name. My name Is Winter and I'm 18

Angel To Central and Jess
We need an Ambo she feels like she about to pass out. Her name is Winer age 18.

Central To Angel
Ambo be here in 5 mins.

Yak and Jess to Angel
We coming to back you up.

Angel To Central and Yak and Jess.

My co-workers are coming to help. Okay thanks. The. She passes out I turn her to her side and made sure she is breathing. She is. Yak and Jess came I said she just pass out and her breathing is swallow and Here pulse is wea...

Jess POV:
Buddy is barking. I look and see Angel is in a seizure Buddy is under her head Come on Angel you fine. You at Bondi and with Jess and Yak it been 3 mins. The seizure stopped. It was only 3 1/2 mins. She said sorry I'm just under stress. Oh no sis sorry You under stress. It okay. We in the tower anyway.

Angel POV:
I feel tried and sick I don't know why I think my vision is storge this time. It about the speedo sponsorship. It happens soon. I hope I'm well to do it. I see a dolphin out there Hey guys look there some dolphins. We all look and It at the end of the day Hoppo let me and Yastey and Jess go out close to them I made me happy, and Glad I work at Bondi with the boys in blue.

Jess twin sister (a bondi Recuse stoy.)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ