Chapter #184

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Angel POV:
We made it to Bondi. I see I'm down south with Yestey. I glad. I promise I will let you guys know if I get tried or sick. It's my Frist day back working on the sand and water. Hey Yestey we together at south end. We made it to south end. I'm glad to be back working on the sand. Tomorrow me and Jess are going to Marbra beach.

All lifeguards POV:
We all are happy for Angel. She came along way.

Central to south end
There a hand gone up 30 meters to your left.

South end to Central
Copy Angel is going in.

Angel POV:
I run into the water and puddle out and got ahold of the boy. You're okay. Just catch your breath. Then get on the board facing the beach. I puddle us in. I felt dizzy and sick. Did you swallow any water? Not I'm feeling dizzy, and I feel a seizure about to happen. Okay let's Lay you down and on your side. My co-workers are coming, and do you want a ambulance? Yes, please this doesn't feel like a normal seizure it's about to happen please help me. You okay just let the seizure happen.

Yestey POV:
I run over to help Angel. Is everything ok? No, he is about to have a seizure. He said it doesn't feel like a normal seizure.

South end to Central
We need an ambulance for a 19-year-old male is having a seizure and he said it not one of his normal seizures.

Central to south end
Copy the ambulance be here in 10 minutes.

Angel POV:
The seizure been going over 7 minutes. Hey Yestey you need to go in.

South end to Central
Yestey is going in.

Central to south end
Copy. How the young men?

South end to Central
He been in they been seizure ov....

Central to south end
Angel are you okay?

Cam-am too central.
Angel is having a seizure. I'm with her. It was only a minute. Oh, the you men seizure is over 8 mins.

Central to cam-am.
Copy the ambulance is here whippet is bringing them down to you.

Jess POV:
I was on the cam-am the seizure been over 8 minutes. Oh, she okay just had a seizure too. We watch the ambulance leave. Here sweetie are you okay?

Angel POV:
I feel dizzy and sick. Can you please take me to the tower? Yes, and Whippet is taking over for you. Thank you, whippet. We went back to work. I fell asleep on Huz shoulder.

Hoppo POV
Hey guys. Oh, sweetie the Dr call and said they have good news. You want me to go with you to the Drs. Yes, please daddy. We be back soon.

Dr Cullen
Miss Pollock. Your cancer is gone no more chemo treatment.

I'm cancer free. I happy thank you for helping me through the chemo treatments.

Dr Cullen
You are very welcome. I hope you have more good days.

Hoppo POV:
Let's tell the boys when we get back to the beach. We talk the whole way to work.

Angel to All lifeguards
I'm cancer free as today thank you all for being there for me and for believing in me so I can beat this cancer. One day I will be seizure free.

All lifeguards to Angel
You don't have to thank us. We are happy for you.

Angel POV
I tell the Bra boys tomorrow. We all went home and got ready for bed.

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