Chapter #31

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Angel POV:
Quinn picks me up and took me upstairs. I'm sorry for saying what I said. I will talk to Matt Dee. You not mad at me are you brother Quinn or Maxi? No, we do not mad we was upset you put yourself down. I try not think or talk about it. I will talk to Matt Dee. I call him after work. There was a knock on the door. Maxi answers the door. I keep watch on the water. I feel happy again. I see a lot of people in a rip. I radio down Tower to all lifeguards there a flush rip in the middle Flags backup needed. I see 4 other goes in and help Glick and Terry. I'm in the tower with Quinn. We glad that we saw the flash rip. I see whippet got everyone lunch. I start eating. I am watching the water. I still thinking what I said. I Can't breathe I look to see if Quinn or Maxi is closed. I said help can't breathe okay it let get you inhaler I used it. I glad it help hey Quinn is Matt Dee here working or have the day off? He just now getting off why? I need to talk to him. I can't stop thinking about what we talk about this morning. Okay.

Tower to Matt Dee 

can you please come to the tower Angel need to talk to you.

Matt Dee to tower

 copy Coming.

Matt Dee:
I got call to the tower. Angel needs to talk to me. I walk in. Hey Matt Dee. I had real bad thoughs and said some stuff that may hurt Quinn and Maxi. I need to talk to you. But I can't walk hey it okay we can go to Hoppo office Deano has the keys. Okay Hoppo did say that we can use his office anytime. Okay. Hey Deano. We walk to Hoppo office and we set down. I'm here take your time I here to listen.

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