
Practice had ran a little longer today because Xander had decided to piss coach off. He decided to make all of us run three more laps after practice was supposed to be over.

I immediately walked over to my locker and pulled out my phone. I sit down in the space of my locker and see five text messages from Karla.

where r u?

u said after practice ended valdez

its 8:55 now..


u suck

I sigh and get up, putting my phone away in my bag. Karla isn't my girlfriend, she's just a girl I have been sleeping with occasionally. I don't think I owe her an actual explanation. "You fucked up my plans tonight." I shout to Xander, who's a couple of spaces down from me. He completely removes his pads before rolling his eyes at me.

"You'll get her back." He winks at me, throwing his dirty practice clothes into the laundry bin. I let out a laugh and shake my head.

He wasn't wrong.

It was easy for me to lure women into bed with me. I didn't even have to try most of the times. There were many pros to being a football player and now I was also the captain of the football team. Women were already starting to 'Congrats on being named team captain' themselves into my bed.

I've never been in a serious relationship before, but that's only because I didn't have time for a girlfriend. It was none of that 'I don't do relationships' bullshit. I was just way too focused on football and school. I wanted to play for the NFL once I finished my senior year at Oak Hill. We won the National Championship my freshman year and last year we won a bowl game.

But now that I'm the captain, I'm not taking anything less than a National Championship. We need to win it this year because honestly, we're stacked this season. Most of the first team is seniors including me, Xander, CGC, and Rhys who are juniors. We got a lot of good freshman who will without a doubt play this year.

I'd be shocked if we don't get far because so far practices have been solid. Coach hasn't been calling us 'sorry asses' as much as he usually does, so that was a good sign. The season starts in three weeks and our first scrimmage was in two. Football was the only thing I was thinking about.

3 days later

I turned my straightener off and brushed my hair down one last time. It had only been three days since I arrived at Oak Hill and I was already attending my first party here. It was here on campus at one of the frat houses. Maddy suggested we go and I couldn't let her down. Plus, it's not like I had anything better to do on a Friday night.

I figured this would be my last hurrah before classes started on Monday.

When I heard a knock on my door, I jogged over to open it. Maddy stood there with a smile on her face. She wore a tiny, black lacy dress that stopped right above her knees. It was flowy, not tight but still looked sexy. Her long, black hair was let down and her makeup fit her outfit well.

Shit, I might have a crush on this girl. She was the prettiest girl I've seen in a while.

"Ready for your first Oak Hill frat party?" I closed the door to my dorm and we both started walking out of Freeman. "We'll see." I say, earning a chuckle from her. "I won't leave your side."

We arrived to the frat and Maddy stayed by my side the whole time as promised. She introduced me to a couple of her friends and people she knew. They were very welcoming and gave me lots of compliments as well.

So far, so good.

"Maddy, over here!" Maddy turns her head and smiles. "That's Max, he's like the only decent football player, come!" Before I can answer, she's pulling me by the hand towards Max. He's extremely tall. Probably a good 6'5 and his muscles are huge.

The two hug and then Maddy introduces me once again. "Max this is Novalee, she's new to Oak Hill." I smile at the football player and he returns a huge grin. "Cool name, welcome to Oak Hill and Oak Hill's best frat. Have fun girls." He says and we say bye to him.

"He's hot. Future potential boyfriend?" I ask Maddy, nudging her side. She lets out a laugh, shaking her head. "God, no. I said he's decent, but that doesn't mean he's still not a man whore." I snort. We stop at the small kitchen and get two cups to fill with the cheap beer. Maddy sprays beer into her cup and then mine. "Cheers."

She bumps her cup into mine and we both chuckle, before taking a swig from them. The party seemed to be going well. It wasn't too crazy to say the least. I'd been to a couple of parties at Tulane and also at LSU.

LSU threw some ragers. Once I went to a frat house and there were literal strippers dancing on tables. Alex Evans was the head of the frat and he had a rich father who I guessed had paid for those strippers. He was also captain of the football team. Anyway, I didn't stay long at that party.

After two beers, I needed to pee. Maddy and I were talking to a group of people and I excused myself. I went up the stairs, figuring there'd be no bathrooms down stairs. As I made it to the top, I was happy to see a girl just coming out of the restroom and there was also no line. I've never been here before obviously, but I knew it was the restroom because the door had a sign that said 'Baño'. Spanish for bathroom.

Just as I was about to walk in, somebody walked out. A guy, to be specific, because I bumped into his large chest. I stumbled back just a bit from the collision, and he held onto my arms so I wouldn't fall. "Fuck, my bad." he says as I keep my head down from embarrassment.

I look up slowly and I really wished that I hadn't. "Valdez?" I say out loud. Fuck. I was not supposed to say that out loud. His eyes widen a bit and he opens his mouth to speak, but no words seem to come out.

"Nova." He finally says. His features soften as he looks down at me. Then I realize a girl had just come out from the same restroom he was in. Were they in there at the same time? Of course they were.

"Excuse me." I push past him and enter the bathroom, shutting the door quickly. I lean back against it and take a deep breath. What the hell is Christian Valdez doing at a party in Oak Hill?

He doesn't go here does he?

Authors note:
FIRST CHAPTER DONE AHHH! I am so excited to start this story and hopefully continue the series I have planned out for it! I hope you enjoy and please if you do, let me know by voting, commenting, or even following me. Messages would be nice too! I hope you all end up falling in love with the characters and I have so much in store for you guys. XoXo

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