Do you still love her?

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There's a big time jump. (8 months). The kids are back in school. Journey just started high school and Mariyah was talking our heads off. Arizona and you decided not to plan the wedding yet since Meredith isn't back.

Your back is arching while your nose is sweating. Arizona is making you moan and loose feeling everywhere in your body. Journey, Mariyah, and Sofia stayed at Callies. Callie was nice enough to let the kids stay with her. "Ughhh 😩." you yell out loud. Arizona stops and climbs up the covers next to you. "Why you stop?" you ask. "I'm just tired." Arizona says in a certain way. You lay your head on Arizona's chest as she rubs her fingers through your hair. "Sofia told me that Callie got a girlfriend." Arizona says. You let out a sigh and roll your eyes.

"Why do you care?" you ask. "I just. I didn't-" Arizona starts saying but she pauses. "Do you still love Callie?" you ask. There's a long silence. You sit up and look at Arizona with a shocked look on your face. She looks you in the eye but doesn't say anything. "Wow." you say while getting up. "Where are you going?" Arizona says sitting up. You grab your bra and underwear off the floor ignoring her.

You then grab some shorts and your meds school oversized sweatshirt. "Y/n where are you going?" Arizona says standing off the bed at this point. She's walking over towards you as you slip your crocs on. She tries reaching out for you but you back away and shake your head trying not to cry. "Y/n?" Arizona says trying to play innocent. You grab your keys and phone. You walk past Arizona and down the stairs. Arizona chasing you.

"Where are you going!" Arizona yells at you. "I need to think whether I want to stay someone who is still in love with their ex wife or I should just go." you say while crying. "I love you y/n!" Arizona yells as you open the door. "YOU HESITATED! YOU FUCKING HESITATED." you yell while crying. You let out a sigh and walk out of the house. You get in the car and just drive. While driving you take the ring off and put it in the glove compartment. You end up taking a turn to Alex's house. You get there and get out of the car. You walk up the porch and open the door with your key. "Alex?" you say as you walk in. You walk around to see no one is there. You help yourself to some hot chips laying on the counter. As your eating you get a text on your phone. "Pick me up at the hospital. ASAP!" the text says from Alex.

You put your phone in your pocket and run out the house holding the bag of chips. You lock the door behind you and run to your car. You then drive the hospital where Alex is already waiting. He gets into your car. "What's up?" you ask. "Airport! Now." Alex says out of breath. He's ordering us both plane tickets on his phone as you drive. "What the hell? Why are we going to San Diego?" you say while driving. "Meredith, kids, San Diego!" Alex says. You then speed to the airport.

You and Alex arrive at the airport. You park the car and walk to the trunk. "What are you doing!" Alex yells. "Grabbing my emergency bag!" you say popping the trunk. You grab your bookbag and close the trunk and run up to Alex. "What's in there?" Alex asks as we walk in the airport. "Extra pair of clothes, pads, charger, water, money." you say. You and Alex the airport and show them your plane ticket. "The gate closes in 5 minutes. It's straight down all the way at the end." the flight lady says. "Thank you!" you say carrying your bag by the strap. "Ready to run?" Alex says. You take your crocs off knowing they are just gonna hold you back and hold them in your other hand. You start running first and Alex is behind you. You both are sliding past people trying not to hit anyone.

You can see the lady at the gate letting the last family in. You and Alex get there just in time. "Flight to San Diego?" The lady says. You and Alex shake your head out of breath. You put your shoes on the ground and put them back on. You and Alex board the plane. A few minutes later the plane starts backing up and about to take off. Your hand is on your knee and your just chilling but your ring is off. "Where your ring?" Alex asks. You ignore him. "Y/n?" Alex says. "I just took it off for a while.." you say shrugging your shoulders.

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