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Amelia and Alex then start your surgery. Amelia opens up your head. "Damn it." Amelia says. "What's wrong?" Alex asks. "It's more progressed than the CT showed." Amelia says. "How long we're they in the woods?" Amelia says while suctioning. "A week maybe?" Alex says. "A week?" Amelia says. Amelia and Alex then talk through surgery. Your blood pressure starts dropping out of no where.

"What did you do?" Alex says. "Nothing!" Amelia says. "Check her pupils." Amelia tells the anesthesiologist. "Equal and responsive." The anesthesiologist says. "It wasn't me." Amelia says. Alex then remembers your wound on your stomach. "She's bleeding through her packaging!" Alex says. Alex the stuffs your wound with gauze. "We have to close her up." Amelia says. "We can't!" Alex says. "If we want her to wake up, we have to see if she gets stronger overnight!" Amelia says. She then wraps your head up. Alex packs your wound with gauze.

They intubate you and puts tubes in your stomach to help drain blood. They then roll you to the ICU. "I could stay here." Amelia says. "No, I got it." Alex says. He sits in the chair next to you. "Okay. Let me know if anything changes." Alex says. After Amelia left it's pitch quiet. Alex then grabs your hand and starts crying. "Y/n, please survive this." Alex says while crying. Arizona then bursts through the door. Alex then looks at Arizona and rolls his eyes. He gets up and leaves.

Arizona starts crying when she looks at you with the tubes all in your body. She walks over and grabs your hand. "I'm sorry." "I'm so so sorry." Arizona says. "I should've just went on the plane." Arizona says. "Y/n, I love you. I love you with everything I have. I just need you to fight to survive." Arizona says while crying. She kisses your hand. She then leaves so she can calm herself down. 

A day goes by your still not strong enough.

"I need to go back in." Amelia says. "You can't. She's not strong enough. She will bleed out." Bailey says. "But what if she looses her memory because of all the bleeding?" Amelia says. "Can she wait one more day?" Bailey asks. "I mean I guess. But every time we wait we risk." Amelia says. "If we wait she could get infected." Bailey says. "We have to wait but we also have to rush." Bailey says. Everyone then leaves the room.

Your still intubated and not waking up. Alex then comes in. He sits by your bedside while holding your hand. "Y/n, give us a sign that you can hear us." Alex says while crying. He lays his head on the bed while holding your hand. Your blood pressure drops. Alex runs in the hallway to get Bailey. She checks your packaging to see it's getting infected. "We can't waste anymore time, we have to get her to the OR now!" Bailey says. "I'll call h-her dad." Alex says while crying.

He then watches as they roll you out. Alex grabs your phone and unlocks it. The first thing that pops up is the video of you and Lexie smiling and laughing in the car. Alex saves it to your phone. He then calls your dad. "Mr. Johnson?" Alex says. "This is he. Why do you have my daughters phone?" your dad says. Alex then bursts out crying. "Y-your daughter, Y/n, um." Alex says. "Wait, who is this?" you dad says. "A-Alex. K-Karev." Alex says. "Okay, what happened to her?" Alex says.

"S-she was in a plane crash, um. She has some trauma to the head and to her abdomen." Alex says. "She's in surgery now, I just thought to let you know." Alex says. "Oh my gosh. I'll be on the next plane out of here." your dad says. Alex then hangs up the phone. He goes into the OR where they are doing your surgery. They pull out chunks off infected bloody gauze. "Oh my gosh." Bailey says. Bailey then gets a type of virus to try and kill the infection.

3 hours go by and your still in surgery. The OR phone then rings. The nurse answers it. "Dr. Bailey?" The nurse says. "What?" Bailey says. "Y/n, family is downstairs waiting in the lobby." The nurse says. "Okay." Bailey says. Bailey looks at the gallery to see Alex pacing. "Karev!" Bailey says over the intercom. "Yes ma'am?" Alex says. "Go talk with Y/n's family." Bailey says. Alex then leaves the gallery to go to the lobby.

Your whole other side of the family is here. (Ken,Kayla,Jessica, and your Dad). "Mr.Johnson." Alex says. Your dad gets up. He randomly hugs Alex. "Im sorry sir." Alex says while starting to cry. "It's not your fault son. Now just explain to me what happened." your dad says. Ken then runs up to Alex. "Where's my sister!" Ken says. "Sit down buddy. Alex was just about to tell me." your dad says. Ken goes back to sit down. Alex then explains the whole thing to your dad. "Oh my god." your dad says. "Did you call her mother?" your dad asks.

"I tried, no answer." Alex says. "Can you get me whoever put her on that plane?" your dad says. "Of course." Alex says. Alex then goes to find Owen. "Y/n, father wants to speak to you." Alex tells Owen. Owen and Alex then go to the lobby to meet your dad. "You put my daughter on that plane?" Your dad asks. "I did sir- but originally she wasn't even supposed to be in the flight." Owen says. "That doesn't matter!" your dads voice gets higher. "YOU PUT MY DAUGHTER,THEIR SISTER, HER STEPDAUGHTER ON THAT DAMN PLANE!" your dad yells.

Jessica then gets up and grabs your dad arm to calm you down. "IM SUING YOU. IM SUING YOU!" your dad keeps yelling. "YOU TRIED KILLING MY BABYGIRL!" your dad yells. Jessica then gets him to calm down. Owen walks away angry. Alex starts walking back to the OR. He accidently walks into the wrong OR but doesn't realize it. There are moving a body into the body bag. Alex feel his heart drop. "What happened!" Alex says. "Amputation gone wrong." April says. "Wait what?" Alex says. "Yep. He-" April starts saying. "He, as in a dude?" Alex says. "Duh." April says. Alex then runs out and goes into the OR across the hall. He see that your still in surgery. He starts calming down.

Alex then goes into the hallway and starts hyperventilating. Jo sees him and pulls him into an empty room. "Calm down Alex." Jo tells Alex. "I-i can't loose her Jo. You don't understand. She's like my little sister." Alex says. "She will pull through Alex, you just have to calm down." Jo tells Alex. Jo continues to calm alex down.

Bailey does the last suture. Amelia then walks in. "Is she done? I could do her surgery now?" Amelia says. "Yep, just finished. Go ahead." Bailey says as she unscrubs. They then prep you for brain surgery. Amelia goes back in. She fixes the bleeding. She then puts a shunt in your head so your brain won't swell. It takes her about a hour to finish. She then closes you up and moves you to the ICU. Amelia then writes down all your vitals on the chart. Amelia then leaves.

Alex brings up your family to see you. "What's wrong with her?" Ken says. "She's asleep buddy. She just got out of surgery." Jessica says. "Can she hear me?" Ken asks. "Not yet. But she knows your here." Alex says. Ken then walks up to you and holds your hand. "Hi y/n!" Ken says. "I love you!" Ken also says. Jessica is trying to hold back her tears. Kayla goes to the other side and grabs your other hand. "Hey y/n, it's me Kayla." Kayla says. "Um, don't leave us." Kayla says. "Okay guys, let's give your dad the room." Jessica says. She then takes the kids to the cafeteria.

Your dad sits in the chair. He squeezes your hand. "I'm sorry. I wasn't here to protect you." your dad says while crying. "Please stay here. Don't go. We need you." your dad says. Your dad is talking to your useless body when Arizona walks in. "Oh I'm sorry, I'll come back later." Arizona says. "No, it's fine. I can't be in here." your dad says. "Your Arizona right?" Your dad says while getting up. "Yes sir." Arizona says. "I'm sorry." Arizona says while crying. Your dad then hugs Arizona. After a few minutes of hugging he leaves.

Arizona holds your hand. She puts your hand on her face. "Please y/n." Arizona says. She ends up falling asleep holding your hand. Your family went to go stay at a hotel for the night. Your vitals stay the same overnight. Nothing changes but your still asleep. Everyone comes by everyday to visit you for about a week and your still not awake.

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