Therapy for my PTSD

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The next morning you wake up in Arizona's bed. You see Arizona in the bathroom getting dressed. You turn over to see what time it is. It's 10:30. You get up and pick up your clothes. You then put them on. You grab your slippers and put them on. You go to the bathroom with Arizona. "I have to go. I'm late. I'll let you know tomorrow if I'm getting admitted." you say to Arizona. You wrap your arms around her waist and give her a kiss on the neck. You then walk out and grab your keys and leave. You go back to your house. Once you get to your house you go through the front door and go upstairs.

You then change into a pair of jeans and a tie dye crop top. You then look under your bed and grab your new crocs.

(Example of outfit ^^)

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(Example of outfit ^^)

You grab your mini bookbag and put your phone and wallet inside of it. You let out a big sigh. You grab a scrunchie and tie your curly hair up. You then knock on Alex's door. He doesn't say anything so you just walk in. You see him and Lexie sleeping together. "Um. I'm not even gonna ask. But I'm leaving for therapy so see you later?" you say while shutting the door. You then go downstairs and go out the front door. You get in your car and drive to the therapist. You pull up to the therapists office and get out the car. You then walk in and sit in the waiting area.
"Y/n Johnson?" this random lady says. You get up and grab your things and follow the lady.

You then go into the peaceful room and you sit on the couch. "Hello. My name is Joy Robertson. I'll be your therapist for however long you need." she says. "Cool." you say. "How are you feeling today?" Joy asks. "I'm fine I guess." you say. "What do you do for work?" Joy asks. "I'm a surgical resident.. first year." you say. "Okay cool. I'm going to talk to your chief, your not gonna go near an OR or anything for the rest of your first year or until I think your ready!" Joy says. "Okay." you say. "How about we talk?" Joy says. She notices your ptsd when your leg starts shaking. She grabs her metal water bottle and slams it on the desk. You jump and cover your head.

"Hm okay. Let's talk about the shooting that happened." Joy says. "The shooting.." you say. "Could you tell me everything that happened that day?" Joy asks. "My partner and I walked to Dr. Bailey." you start saying. While your talking you start remembering everything that happened. "She said we were on her service. So we went with her to Mary's room. Dr. Bailey wanted us to get labs for Mary.." you say. You remember when you and Jackson were talking about the house. "Me and Jackson then got to the lab and we waited until they were done.." you say. You then start to cry. "O-once the l-labs were done, me and Jackson wanted to race back. So we did." you say. Your leg starts shaking even more. "W-while we were running I got a page that we were on lockdown.. so we started to run faster to get back to Dr. Bailey." you say. You start clinching your fist. "W-we went through the main area, and the nurse told this man not to leave the area, and h-he shot her.." you say while crying. "I then decided to stay near everyone and help.. so I have the labs to Jackson." you say. "Jackson then left to get to Dr. Bailey and I checked on the dead nurse.." you say.

"That's when I was the only one in the lobby. So I got up and started walking around." you say while crying. "T-the chief then find me and he tells me to stay in an supply closet.." you say. The therapist notices your leg shakes faster and faster. "A few minutes later, I was looking out the w-window when I saw the gunman.." you say while crying harder. "He made c-contact with m-me and ran into the closet with me." you say. "Then he pointed the gun a-at my head. I could feel the heat from the bullets he had shot at other people.." you say. "He shoved it in the middle of my forehead." you say. "Are you a surgeon?" you say. "Are you a surgeon?" you say. "What does that mean?" Joy asks.

"Those are the exact words he said before he left." you say while crying. "Do you feel special?" the therapist says. "Excuse me?" you say. "Do you feel special?" Joy says. "DO I FEEL SPECIAL?" you yell as you stand up. "DO I FEEL SPECIAL BY HAVING A GUN PUT TO MY HEAD AND DROPPING DOWN EVERYTIME SOMETHING FALLS?" you yell. "DO I FEEL FREAKING SPECIAL!" you yell. Joy then throws you a stress ball. "Throw it. Yell. Do whatever you have to do to calm down." Joy says while pointing to a board on the wall. You throw the ball at the wall hard. You and Joy then start talking more.

Arizona's POV:

Arizona goes to the grocery store. She then picks out a big teddy bear and puts it in the cart. Arizona then calls Alex. Alex answers. "Hello?" Alex says. "Hey Alex, what type of snacks does y/n like?" Arizona says while walking around. "Sour and hot chips, why?" Alex asks. "I'm buying her something. I'll come by the house to drop it off in a few." Arizona says and then she hangs up. She then buys you some snacks and a new blanket. After she gets your things she drives to your house. She grabs the things and walks to the front porch. She knocks on the door and Alex opens it. "Hey Alex, where's y/n room?" Arizona asks. "Up the stairs by the white door. It has a sign on it that says her name." Alex says. "Thanks." Arizona says as she walks upstairs. Arizona then sets up the teddy bear and blanket and snacks up nicely. She then leaves.

Back to your POV:

"That was a good start." Joy says. "No surgery for you until I've cleared you." Joy says. "But I have work tomorrow?" you say in confusion. "Exactly. I will be moving to an Seattle Grace hospital to help you out until I clear you. I'll be on the therapist floor in room 210 by 12 tomorrow. Make sure your doing consults and in the clinic only." Joy says. "Okay." you say as you stand up and grab your bookbag. "If you want, you can help me set up things tomorrow at 9." Joy says. "Yes ma'am." you say as you leave.

You get into your car and drive home. You pull in front of the house on the road instead of the driveway. You get out the car and walk into the house. Alex, Lexie, Meredith, and Cristina are waiting on the couch. "How'd it go?" Alex says. You walk over to them and grab the tequila bottle, you then take a large sip. "I can't do any surgery for the rest of my first year. I can't do anything." you say. You give them back the tequila bottle. You then go upstairs to your room. You open your door and see the teddy bear and blanket on your bed.

"Awww." you say. You sit on the bed and hug the teddy bear. You then grab your phone from your bag you text Arizona. "Thank you for the teddy bear. I love you Arizona Robbins." you text with a heart emoji. You then change into some shorts and a bra. You move the snacks to the floor and lay with the teddy bear and cover yourself up with the new blanket.

You then fall asleep.

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