The baby shower.

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Time jump to the day before the baby shower. Arizona is feeling a little better but her temperature won't drop.

"I'm sorry you have to go alone..." Arizona says. "It's only for the weekend. Journey said she'd like to go so I'll take her with me." you say. "I feel so bad.. I can keep Mariyah!" Arizona says. "Okay! We will be back in 2 days. I think Journey should meet some of the family." you say zipping your bag. You then place it on the floor. "I love you." Arizona says. "I love you more." you say kissing Arizona on the forehead. "Journey! You ready!" you say carrying your bag into the hall. "I'm nervous..." Journey says coming out into the hallway with her little suitcase. "You'll be fine. It's not gonna be a lot of people. I think." you say. "You think?" Journey says.

"J, listen. Don't be. There my family. Some of them have funny accents." you say. "My grandmother is spanish while my grandfather was hispanic & American. So their genes passed on to my mom and her 2 sisters and brother." you say. Journey then takes the bags and drag them downstairs. Arizona walks downstairs behind you guys. "You guys all good?" Arizona says. "We should be." Journey says. "Welp okay." Arizona says. Journey takes the bags outside to the car. You kiss Arizona and then walk outside. "We have all the bags?" you ask. "Yep." Journey says as she jumps into the backseat.

You then get into the drivers seat and start the car while Journey is on her phone the whole time.You then start driving to Olympia. You get there at about 1pm. You then call Destiny. "What's up y/n?" Destiny says. "Where you at?" you say. "Moms. She's not here right now though." Destiny says. "I'll be there in 10 minutes." you say. You then hang up the phone. "Who was that?" Journey says. "My sister." you say driving towards your moms house. "You have a sister?" Journey says. "And a younger brother and a step sister." you say. "Wow." Journey says. You then pull up to your moms.

You park out the side and take the keys out the ignition. You take a big sigh and get out the car. You open the back door and Journey climbs out. Journey knocks on the door already while your grabbing your things. The door then opens and it's Destiny. "Y/n? How did you get in the house so fast?" Journey says. "I'm not y/n." Destiny says. Journey turns around to see you carrying the bags.

"Oh. Sorry." Journey says. "Who are you?" Destiny says. "I'm Journey." Journey says. "Journey come the bags!" you say. Journey grabs her bag and walks into the house. "Who's that?" Destiny says. "Journey." you say walking into the house. Destiny says closes the door behind you. You look around to see that the house has changed. "Is dad and them coming?" you ask. "Yep. I think they are like a hour away." Destiny says. "So like, how is the sleeping gonna work?" you say.

"CJ won't be here until later." Destiny says. "You, Rihanna and Sasha will be in your old room." Destiny says. "Whos all them people?" Journey says. "Our cousins." you say. "Mom, Auntie Rebecca, Auntie Camille, and Aunt Kim are in the main room. All the kids will be in Ken's old room. Cj and I will be in my old room. All the uncles will in the living room. Dad and Jessica will be in the downstairs bedroom." Destiny says. "So you really have this planned out.." you say. "Did you doubt me?" Destiny says. "Um. No." you say. You take Journeys bag and place it in Ken's old room where there's his bed and two big air mattresses.

"Come see the backyard!" Destiny says pulling your arm. Journey walks behind you guys. "Sweet! When did you guys get a pool?" Journey says. "Our mom-" Destiny starts saying. "Her mom." you say. "OUR mom built it a few months ago. Her and her new girlfriend wanted a pool." Journey says. "I'm so glad I packed a bikini!" Journey says as goes and puts her feet in the water. "When did mom become into girls?" you say. "I don't know. She just told me she had a girlfriend yesterday." Destiny says. You sigh. "I told you she's changed y/n." Destiny says. "Her and her girlfriend randomly decided to get a pool?" you say. "Mom is actually giving CJ and I the house for the baby and stuff. She's moving in with her girlfriend." Destiny says. You start laughing. "Of course." you say.

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