Can we talk?

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You wake up to your pager going off and a piece of paper stuck to your face. You sit up and pull the paper off of your face. You rub your eyes and read the piece of paper. "This is not a bed." you read out loud. "Really." you say while standing up. "It wasn't me." Meredith says. "Ima check on Journey." you say while standing up. You take a chip out of the bag of chips Meredith is eating and walk out.

You then walk to the peds area since Journey is a minor. "Journey Pepper?" you say. "Second to last door on your left." The nurse says. You walk to Journeys room to see her still asleep. You let her be and go to the nursery. You put on a pink gown and go to Mariyah in her crib. "Hi little one." you say picking up the baby. You sit in the rocking chair. "I had a very crazy idea, but I have to ask my girlfriend first." you say.

"I was thinking about taking you and your mommy in so you guys can get back on your feet." you say holding the baby. "It's crazy. I know I know." you keep talking to the baby. "Why am I rambling to a baby, I don't know." you say. You put the baby back and take off your gown. You run back to the attendings lounge. "I had a good but like crazy idea." you tell Alex, Cristina, and Meredith. "Whats up?" Meredith says. "Helping Journey." you say. "Like letting her stay with me, Arizona, Sofia." you say. "How does Arizona feel about this." Alex says. "I don't know... " you say. "She has a baby y/n..." Meredith says. "Shes 14 Mer. 14 years old." you say.

"It's not permanently. Just till she can get off her feet." you say. "I say yolo." Alex says. "I don't even know if she's in school. I mean what. She can't be older than a freshman right?" you say. "I guess." Cristina says. "And she could fit any of my clothes. I mean, I'm pretty tiny. I guess." you say. "Ima do it." you say. "But it's not my house. Damn it!" you say. "Ima go talk to Arizona." you say. "Good luck!" Meredith says. You walk back to the Peds floor. "Robbins here?" you ask the nurse. "In surgery. She should be out in a few." The nurse says. "Can I have Journey Peppers chart?" you say. The nurse hands you her chart. "Thanks." you say.

You go to Journeys room and sit in the chair. You start looking through her chart for a parents number. You find a number and pull out your phone. You dial the number and try calling it but no answer. You try again but no answer again. "Where's Mariyah?" Journey says. "Shes in the nursery." you say. "I have to go." Journey says trying to sit up. "Lay back down Journey." you say. "Ouchhh." Journey says. "You cut your arm, your gonna be in a lot of pain for a while." you say pushing her pain meds. "I didn't mean to get pregnant.. I was high." Journey says.

"You don't have to explain yourself." you tell Journey. "I don't know where I'm gonna go..." Journey says. "I'll find something for you." you tell Journey. You sit with Journey for about a hour until she falls back asleep. You then walk around and look for Arizona. You walk to the lobby to see her giving news to someone. "Dr. Robbins, I have to ask you a very important question." you say. You and Arizona then walk outside. "Okay hear me out. It's gonna sound crazy at first.." you say.

"What did you do?" Arizona says. "Nothing. Yet." you say. "Just tell me." Arizona says. "I wanted to know if we can take in Journey and the baby and help Journey out until she gets herself better." you say. "What?" Arizona says. "Shes 14 Arizona. She can be like a big sister to Sofia!" you say. "I don't know." Arizona says. "Please A. I want to help Journey.." you say. Arizona then gets paged. "I have to um go." Arizona says jogging back inside. "Arizona!" you say. Arizona runs back inside and doesn't turn back.

You stay outside as the rain drips all in your hair. "Damn it!" you yell. You go back into the hospital and to the attendings lounge. "What happened?" Alex asks. "!No es justo! Esa nina tiene 14 años y acaba de tener un bebé. ¡Necestia que alguien esté ahí para ella!" (It's not fair! That girl is 14 and just had a baby. She needs someone to be there for her!) you yell. Meredith and Alex look at you like your crazy. "Look, Meredith. What would you do if it was Derek?" you say. "I wouldn't think about taking in a addict child who just had a baby." Meredith says. "That's the thing! If we help her she can get better! Journey has a lot of potential! How can nobody see that." you say.

"I'm leaving next week." Cristina says. "What?" Everyone says to Cristina. "Mer, you know how I went to Switzerland last week?" Cristina says. "Yea.." Meredith says. "I saw Burke." Cristina says. "You saw BURKE!" you say. "Anyways, he wants me to run his hospital, therefore I'm leaving." Cristina says. "What!" you all yell. "Yep. Tomorrow I interview new Cardio Chiefs." Cristina says. "It's too much stuff going on." you say sitting down. "So Cristina, you just leaving." you say. "I'm out." Cristina says.

You get up and walk to the door. "Where are you going?" Alex says. "I'm convincing Arizona to let us take in Journey and Mariyah." you say. You walk to the peds floor. "Robbins?" you ask the nurse. "Her office." The nurse says. You walk to the back and walk in Arizona's office. You close the door behind you. "We are going to talk." you say. "Fine." Arizona says. "Shes 14 Arizona." you say. "Okay." Arizona says. "She had a baby." you say. "Okay." Arizona says. "So why can't we take her in? Just until she gets herself together!" you say. "Y/n shes an addict." Arizona says.

"Where would she get drugs from! We have 2 extra guest bedrooms Arizona!" you say. "Arizona please." you say. "I don't want my daughter around an addict y/n." Arizona says. "SHES 14 ARIZONA! SHOOT ME FOR LITERALLY WANTING TO HELP A 14 YEAR OLD MOM!" you yell. "HOW CAN WE STOP HER FROM BEING AN ADDICT IF SHE HAS NO ONE TO TAKE CARE OF HER OR THE BABY!" you say. "ONCE AN ADDICT ALWAYS AN ADDICT." Arizona says. "Wow." you say. "How could you say that about a child Arizona. For god sakes that could've been Sofia Arizona." you say. "But it's not!" Arizona yells. "YOU DONT KNOW THAT!" you say to Arizona.

"I'm gonna help out Journey. Once she gets discharged I'll bring her back to the house. If you don't like that, I'll leave simple." you say. You walk out and close the door behind you. You then go into Journey's room. "This hospital food is disgusting." Journey says. "I can go get you a bag of chips." you tell Journey. "I wanna see Mariyah." Journey says. "I'll take you to see her." you say. You go out in the hallway and grab a wheelchair. You help Mariyah up and into the wheelchair. You put the blanket over her legs.

You start rolling her to the nursery. You roll Journey into the nursery. You pick up the baby and hand her to Journey. "She's so beautiful." Journey says. "She looks just like you." you say. "Journey." you say. "Yes?" Journey says. "How would you feel if my family took you and Mariyah in?" you say. "Like adopt us?" Journey says. "No. Just so like you and Mariyah have a place to stay for a while until you find somewhere else to stay." you say. "You'd really do that for me." Journey says. "It's not big deal. Then I can enroll you back into 8th so you can finish." you say. "I don't want to be in the way." Journey says. You pick up the baby and put her back in the crib. "You won't be Journey. I promise." you say.

"Thank you so much." Journey says. "But we have rules. No drugs. No pills unless they are for headache or pain." you say. "And you have to ask before taking anything!" you say. "Yes ma'am." Journey says. "You can call me y/n." you say. "Thank you y/n." Journey says. "I have to take you back to your room. But first I'll get you some chips." you say. You roll Journey to the vending machine. You buy her a bag of chips and roll her back to her room. "I'll bring you some of my old comfortable clothes that you can change into in the morning." you say. "Thank you y/n..." Journey says as we get back to her room. You help Journey back in her bed.

You say goodbye and go to the attendings lounge. "What do Arizona say?" Alex says. "Nothing. I said I'll take her in and if Arizona didn't like it I'll leave." you say grabbing your bag. "Y/n why the hell did you say that?" Alex says. "This girl needs help!" you say. "I'm not gonna let her and her baby end up on the street." you say. You hang up your coat in the cubby. "I'm off tomorrow so I'm going to go shopping for Journey and the baby." you say. "Take me with you." Alex says. "I'll pick you up at about 11." you say. You walk to the lobby and then into your car. You drive back to the house.

You get in the shower and then change into a sports bra and some shorts. You get in the bed and fall asleep.

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