Baseball Game.

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(Next few chapter are going to have twists)

You wake up and get ready for work. You look at your email from the chief. "Everyone come to the conference room to get your jerseys." the email says. You then grab your bag and shoes and walk downstairs. You then go into the kitchen and fill up your water bottle. You see Alex rushing. "Can I ride with you y/n. Please!" Alex says clearly struggling. "I guess, let's go." you say while walking out the door.

You look at your car and forget it's red. You put your bookbag in the backseat. Alex gets in the passenger seat and you start driving to the hospital. You and Alex then walk to the conference room where everyone is getting their jerseys. You look through the box for your size jersey. "Um, there isn't any more smalls.." you say. You just grab a medium and then go sit down. "Today, Joining us we have Henry. He's our catcher." Owen says. "What positions do you guys want?" Owen says.

"I can pitch!" Teddy says. "Me pitcher!" Teddy says. "Uh, okay." Owen says. He then separates everyone to each position and your last. "What position do you want Johnson?" Owen says. "It doesn't matter. I play all the positions good." you say. "You played softball?" Owen says. "I played during middle school and high school." you say. "Okay. You will be at second." Owen says. Everyone then gets up and leaves. You go to the residents lounge and put your things away. You then get a page from Neuro. "Looks like I'm on Neuro today." you say.

You grab your white coat and you get to Neuro. "I got paged?" you ask. "Yeah. You are on my service. We have a tumor and I need your help." Derek says while putting the scans on the little X-ray thing. "That's envading the temporal lobe!" you say. "Exactly. Also, get a intern that you think has a good future in Neuro. Actually get 2." Derek says. You get up and go to interns locker room. You walk in and see them dancing. "Who thinks they are going to proceed in neuro?" you say. "Okay, Edwards in the hall." you say. You then look at the last 3 hands up.

"You, in the back. What's your name?" you say. "Heather, Heather brooks." she says. "Let's go." you say. You all then walk to Derek. He then explains how we may have to get the tumor. Stephanie and Heather then ask Shepherd questions. After a hour you all go into surgery and successfully remove the tumor. You look at the time. "Derek! It's time for the game." you say while walking to your residents lounge. You then go to the residents lounge. You put on your spare black leggings. You grab the lotion and put it all over your leg. You then put your socks on and put on your old vans. You then nice your hair into a ponytail and put it through the hat.

You grab a extra hair tie and tie up your shirt a little cause it's to big. You grab your water bottle and keys and drive to the sports store. You buy yourself a glove and some softball pants then head to the field where they are practicing. "Y/n! Come hit real quick!" Owen says. You close your car door and put the white pants back softball pants on. You then walk into the dugout. You hang your water bottle on the gate. Owen then hands you a helment and you put it on. You get in your stance. Derek then pitches the ball to you. You swing at hit it and hit it into the far outfield. You drop the bat and start running around the bases.

Once you get to home plate you go back you go in the dugout. "Get to second Johnson." Owen says. You grab your glove then run and run to your position. After y'all finish practicing for a while everyone goes back in the dugout and the other team shows up. "Okay team. We are batting first." Owen says. "The first 5 are Derek, Mark, Y/n, Lexie, Jackson." Owen says. Derek then goes up to bat. He hits the ball but they end up catching it. Mark then goes to hit and he strikes out. It's your turn at the plate. You get your stance together and wait for the pitch.

The ball then starts coming towards you. You swing and hit the hall dead to the middle but pass the outfielders all the way to the gate. "Go!" Everyone yells at you. You drop the hat and start running as fast as you can around the bases. You get to 3rd base realizing ball is almost in the inner field. You think about going. You then take off as fast as you can to home plate. The pitcher throws it at the catcher but he misses the ball and starts chasing it. You step on home plate and get your team a point.

You then walk into the dugout and give the helment to the next person batting after Lexie. "Nice job Johnson." Owen says. You then sit down on the bench next to Arizona as you guys watch as Lexie steps up to the plate. "Good job y/n." Arizona says. You turn and give Arizona a kiss on the cheek. "OKAY! WE ARE ON THE FIELD EVERYONE! LETS GO." Owen says. "Johnson, I want you at first instead of second this quarter." Owen says. You run to first and you tell Mark to go to second.

You stand there watching teddy pitch the balls. One after one she keeps making batters walk. Finally after 3 outs the score is 6-1. More quarters go bye. It becomes 12-3. Teddy still pitching a terrible game. Next pitch someone smacks the ball to left outfield. You look to see who's over there and it's Meredith and Cristina. They try to catch the ball but bailey runs behind them and catches the ball. You all then cheer for Bailey. A minute after she catches it her and Meredith start arguing. You then watch as Richard walks over there and break up the argument. A few minutes later teddy pitches at they hit the ball right to second. You put your foot on the base and hold your hand out to catch the ball. Mark picks up the ball and throws it at you and you catch it and get the last out.

Everyone then runs in the dugout. You walk to the dugout and Owen calls you over. "Johnson, can you pitch?" Owen says. "Uh. Kinda, why?" you say. "Your pitching next inning." Owen says. You then go in the dugout. You fix your socks and watch as more people go up to bat. After the strike outs you grab your glove and go to the pitchers mound. You then make a mark where your foot is supposed to end. You then pitch to Henry. The hall goes straight down the middle and fast.

The 1st batter then comes up

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The 1st batter then comes up. You pitch the ball 3 times and they strike out. You then strike out the next two batters. You put on the helment and get ready to hit the ball. There's a person on each base. If you hit a home run you make the score tied. You swing and miss at the first pitch. You then get ready the second pitch. You set yourself together and watch as the pitch come towards you. You swing as hard and fast as you can. You then watch as the ball goes deep right field and then over the gate. "HOMERUN!" Everyone yells. You then run around the bases. Someone is in the way of the running line so you just bump them out the way. You then start laughing and keep running around the bases. Your team then all stands around home plate. You then jog to home plate. Once you get there everyone starts hitting your helmet.

It's y'all turn on the field so you become pitcher again. You strike out the first two people. The person you bumped was the last batter. You pitch to them. They miss the first two. You then pitch the last pitch. They smack the ball dead at you. It then hits you dead in chest. They then throw the bat at you and proceeded to come towards you to hit you."BITCH!" you yell. People start separating you two and you feel someone pick you up and puts you on the other side of everything.

Your chest starts getting really tight. You then collapse into Alex's arms. "CALL AN AMBULANCE!" Owen yells. Everyone from your team then surrounds you laying in the dirt. A few minutes later an ambulance comes and they load you onto the gurney. They put a oxygen mask on you. You then arrive at Seattle Grace Mercy west. They unload you. You still can't hear anything or open your eyes. They run you into a trauma room.

They move you into an observation room for the night.

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