Exploring seattle.

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A hour later you get up and go to take a shower. You video chat Cristina while you brush your teeth. "I heard you quit. I'm coming over." you tell Cristina. "Okay." Cristina says and then she hangs up. You then put on your clothes and tie your hair up into a high ponytail.

You then grab your bag and keys and get into your car

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You then grab your bag and keys and get into your car. You then drive to Cristinas apartment. You then open her door and walk up the long stairs. "I'm here!" you say. You set your bag on the table. "Cristina?" you say while walking around. You see her laying on the bed so you sit on the bed. "Are you ready?" you ask. "Yeah let's go." Cristina says as she gets up. You look at cristinas outfit. "Um. Cristina. What the hell are you wearing?" you say. "Clothes?" Cristina says. "That looks like something my grandma would wear." you say while getting up.

"We definitely are buying you a style." you say. You grab your bag. "We are going to walk, not drive." Cristina says. "But I have a car?" you say. "Walk." Cristina says. "Let's go." she also says as you and her walk down the stairs. You and Cristina then walk around downtown. You walk into a clothes store. "AHHHHH THE NEW SHOES!" you say excitedly. You the run over and find your size. Cristina then walks up behind you. You pick up the shoes. "LOOK HOW CUTE THESE ARE!" you say while smiling. "Those are ugly." Cristina says. "You b*tch. These are cute!" you say.  You hold the shoe box. "Oo new crocs." you say. You then grab a pair. "You pick out a pair of crocs." You tell Cristina. "No." she says.

"Pick out a pair. I'll buy them for you." you tell Cristina. Cristina then picks out a black pair. "Uh, cute I guess?" you say. You then bring the shoe boxes to the cash register. "Your total is 300." The cashier says. "God damn." Cristina says. You pull out your wallet and and hand the cashier your card. "How can you afford this?" Cristina asks. "I have style. Im lucky I got them for 220." you say. The cashier then hands you back your card and the bag with the shoes in it. You and Cristina then walk back to her apartment. "I'll text you later." You tell Cristina while giving her the shoes. You then get into your car and drive home.

You pull up in the driveway and walk into the house. You see Dr. Bailey sitting on the couch talking to Alex and Meredith. You look at them but then walk upstairs. "Y/n!" Alex says while following you. "What's up?" you ask. "Bailey is here." Alex says. "I see." you say. "I'm not talking to her." you say while going into your room. "She's trying to make you come back go work y/n." Alex says. "I'm not going back. I told you I quit. Now get out so I can change unless you want to see boobs." you say while putting your bag on the bed.

"I mean.." Alex starts to say. "Get the hell out." you push Alex out. You shut your door. You change into a pair of shorts and a sports bra. You put on some fuzzy socks. You then go downstairs. You pass everyone in the living room and go in the kitchen. Bailey then gets up and walks into the kitchen. "Why the hell would you quit?" Bailey asks. "Why the hell are here? You've judge me ever since I did Kate's surgery. But kudos to you. She's dead now. Are you happy?" you say. You grab your chips and take them upstairs.

You go upstairs and crack your door. You sit on your bed and eat chips. You then fall asleep with the cheap bag in your hand. You wake up the next morning and get dressed. You then go to cristinas house and you guys go back shopping.

You and Cristina continue going out shopping for about 2 weeks when Derek asks y'all to go fiishing with him.

You wake up the day of the fishing. You then look in your closet for some old boots and put them on. While you get dressed Cristina and Owen knock on the door. You try to hear if Meredith and Cristina are talking but they aren't. You grab your fishing overalls and a shirt. You grab your jacket and put it on. You then tie your hair back into a ponytail and put a hat on top. You grab your fishing rod and walk down the stairs. You stare at Meredith and Cristina as they just stare at eachother and not say a word. Before you say something Derek walks in. "Okay let's go." Derek says while looking at you and Cristina.

Cristina walks out first but while your walking Meredith grabs your arm. "Is she okay y/n?" Meredith asks. "Ask her." you say while walking out. You then get in the back of dereks truck while Cristina sits in the front. Derek then drives to middle of the woods. He lets the boat into the water. You and Cristina get in the boat first and then Derek gets in. Derek then rolls the boat into the middle of the lake.

"Do y'all know the basics of fishing?" Derek asks while handing cristina her rod. "Yep." you say. "No." Cristina says. You then throw your rod into the river.
Meanwhile derek is helping Cristina set up.

At the hospital:

Arizona is in the cafeteria. The chief then walks up to Arizona. "Robbins?" The chief says. "Yes sir?" Arizona says while sipping her juice. "As you probably know y/n quit." the chief starts to say. "She did what?" Arizona says. "She and Yang quit last week. So I need to know if I need to know if I should tell the board that they officially quit." The chief says. "No. Don't tell them yet." Arizona says. "Okay." The chief says as he walks away. Arizona then pulls her phone out her pocket and starts spam texting you.

Back at the lake:

About a hour later Cristina starts talking. "What's taking so long." Cristina starts complaining. "It takes patience." Derek says. You sit there and not talk. You then feel a tug on your rod. "I GOT ONE." you say while standing up. While your rolling your rod in Cristina yells. "I GOT ONE TOO!" Cristina says. Derek then helps Cristina while you keep rolling your rod. You then lean over and pull up the string with a fish on the end. "I GOT A FISH!" you say while holding it. Next thing you know Cristina pulls out a big fish. "Damnnn." you say. You, Cristina, and Derek start laughing.

"Alright let's go!" Derek says. He starts rolling back to the dock. You then get to the dock. You climb out the boat and grab your fish. Cristina then climbs out with her big fish. Finally derek gets out. "You two should take a picture." Derek says. You and Cristina then walk to the end of the dock and hold your fish up. While your positioning yourself Cristina starts crying. "What the hell?" you mumble. "Take the picture Derek." you say. You then smile while Cristina is crying. You camera then flickers and the picture is taken.

You give the fish to the butcher. Cristina still over there crying. Derek takes the fish from Cristina. "Let's go." Derek says. Derek walks ahead of you and Cristina to the car and yall follow him. You get in the backseat. Derek then starts the car and drops Cristina off at home. Derek then starts driving back home. "What do we do with the fish?" you ask. "Why did you quit y/n?" Derek asks. You then ignore Derek the whole way back to the house. You get out the car and slam the door. You then take off your overalls and boots downstairs. You then go upstairs and take a shower.

You then put on a hoodie and shorts and lay in the bed and sleep.

You continue the same routine for the rest of the week. Wake up, hang out with Cristina, then sleep.

One day 2 weeks later something happened...

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