Discharged again.

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Arizona lays with you for about 2 hours. She then gets paged and slowly leaves the room. Another 2 hours later you start waking up. You grab your phone and look at the time. You then see it's 12. You then sit up and see the discharge papers on your table. You then sign the discharge papers. You then stand up and look in the little closet for the clothes you came in with. You then pick up the jersey and stare at it. You stuff it in a bag and walk to the residents lounge.

You then put on a pair of scrubs and grab your pager. You then go find Bailey. "Let's get started! Whos service am I on today?" you ask. "Nobodies, now go home. You just got discharged y/n." Bailey says. "But bailey! I'm fine." you say. "Go home before I have you removed." Bailey says. You then walk to the lobby and walk out the hospital. You then walk out to the car. Your about to call a cab when you hear a honk. You look up to see who it is and it's Arizona waving at you. You walk to her car and get in. "Hey baby." Arizona says. "Hey." you say. Arizona then starts driving to her house.

"Why are we here?" you ask. "Well, Sofia is at Callies for the week, and I don't have to go into work till 6." Arizona says while smiling. You realize what she's talking about. You smile and get out the car. You both then walk into Arizona's house. You then shut the front door behind her and lock it.

(This part gives me butterflies 😏)

You both run upstairs. She starts kissing you. She leans you on the edge of the bed. You then start taking your shirt off while still kissing Arizona. Arizona takes off her shirt and kicks her shoes off. You grab your bow and tie your hair into a messy bun. She pushes you on the bed. Arizona then gets on top of you while kissing you. You put your hands on her waist. She then rubs the side of your thigh. Arizona then goes lower. She starts doing what she needs to do. You grab on the bedsheets and grip them tightly. (Aka yall start doing the nasty.)

You let out a moan while gripping the bedsheets tightly. Y'all finish doing the nasty. "Wow." you say. "That was ama-" you start saying but then you hear snoring. You then laugh. You get up and look through Arizona's drawers for clothes. You put on a pair of shorts you see and a hoodie. You then walk downstairs. You look through Arizona's fridge. You then look in her pantry. You see a pack of smokes. "Arizona smokes?" you whisper to yourself. You then just pull out some macaroni noodles.

You grab a pot and put them on boil. You then look for a lot of cheese. You pull out all the cheese you could find. You set it on the counter and then look for a baking pan. After the noodles finish boiling you strain them. You then grab the milk. You measure a 1/2 cup of milk. You put the noodles in the baking pan. You then put pour the milk over it. You then grade the cheese. You put the cheese on top and stir it. You then put some more cheese on top. You place it in the oven.

You see this fancy tech thing. You then click on it. "Playing; Shut Up And Dance by WALK THE MOON." the device says. It then starts playing music. You start bobbling your head to the beat. Next thing you know your dancing around the kitchen acting like your in a concert. Arizona then wakes up and puts her robe on. She walks downstairs to see you dancing. You don't notice she's staring at her. Arizona watches you dance. After a few minutes Arizona let's on a snicker. You then unplug the device and stop dancing. "Did I wake you?" you ask. "Of course not. I have work in a hour. I was thinking about leaving early." Arizona says while walking over towards you. She then kisses you when the oven starts beeping. "It's ready!" you say from slipping under Arizona's arms.

You grab the oven mits and lift out the pan of macaroni and cheese. "Ooo, who's this for?" Arizona says. "Anyone. I cook when I'm hungry." you say while laughing. "Are you gonna go to the hospital?" Arizona asks. "Bailey won't let me. So maybe on the way there you can drop me off at Mers house!" you say while smiling. Arizona then starts laughing. She walks closer to you and puts her hands on your waist and pulls you closer. "Are you sure about that?" Arizona says while staring you dead in the eye. You then wrap your arms around Arizona's neck.

"Maybe not." you say. You and Arizona then kiss. "I'm going to get ready!" Arizona says. She then walks back upstairs to get changed. You look for aluminum foil. You wrap up the macaroni and cheese. You then go upstairs to grab your shoes. You look at your phone to see a text message from your lawyer.

"Do you have an avaliable time for us to meet tomorrow?" the message says.

"Maybe tomorrow at 12? I won't be at the hospital tho." you text.

"Okay send me your address and I'll be over there tomorrow." The lawyer responds.

You then put your phone in your back pocket. Arizona then comes out of the bathroom with her dark blue scrubs on. "I'm ready!" Arizona says. You then hold Arizona's hand as you both walk downstairs. You grab the baking pan of food and then walk out the front door with Arizona. You get in the car and Arizona drives you to Meredith's house. You then give Arizona a kiss as you get out the car. "Ill text you later!" Arizona says. "Okay." you say. You then close the door and walk up the sidewalk.

You then walk into the house and into the kitchen. You set the macaroni on the island. You then walk upstairs. You hear Zola crying. You knock on Meredith and Dereks door to see they are sound asleep. You quietly walk in and pick up Zola. You also grab a binky. You then walk out slowly and close the door gently. "Hi Ms. Zola." you say while walking to your room. "I'm Auntie y/n!" you say while sitting Zola down on your giant teddy bear you got from Vancouver. Zola then keeps crying. You pick her up and go downstairs. You then make her a bottle. You rock her while feeding her the bottle. "Shhh." you say while holding Zola. She finishes the bottle. You then lay her on your shoulder and start pacing from the kitchen to the front door while rocking Zola to sleep.

You then quietly walk upstairs. You go back into Meredith and Dereks room and lay zola to sleep in the middle of both of them. You then go and start cleaning the house since you have nothing to do. You put your macaroni in the fridge. Your phone then starts ringing. You put on your headphones and answer. "Hello?" you say. "Hi! It's me Kayla! Thank you for the clothes!" Kayla says happily. "It's there?" you say. "Yeah!" Kayla says. "Your welcome, I have to go finish cleaning. Call me later!" you say while hanging up the phone.

You then finish cleaning. Meredith and Zola then walk downstairs. "Me and Derek are moving out next week!" Meredith says. "Oh, y'all house is done!" you ask. "Yep!" Meredith says while sitting Zola in the high chair. "I'm so happy for you guys!" you say. "Wait, does that mean I can still live here?" you ask. "Alex wants to buy the house so you need to ask him." Meredith says while feeding Zola. "Where is Alex?" you say. "I don't know." Meredith says. "There's Mac and cheese in the fridge." you say while putting the supplies up. "When did we get Mac and cheese?" Meredith asks. "I made it at Arizona's." you say while blushing.

"Your blushing! What did y'all do?" Meredith says. "Theres a child right there.." you say. "Ooh. Lucky. Me and Derek haven't be able to do it since Zola." Meredith says. "How about I watch Zola tomorrow. You and Derek go to work and then go do it after work or something?" you say. "Really y/n!" Meredith says. "Of course. I can't go back to work till next week anyways!" you say. "Thank you y/n!" Meredith says. "I'm going to bed. Just leave her in my room before you leave in the morning!" you say while waking upstairs. You then lay in the bed and fall asleep.

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