Long surgery.

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You then research and call around to different doctors for advice. You write them all the suggestions down on paper. You realize it's about 4 in the morning. So you take a quick nap in the chair. You wake up at around 6 cause of all the loud noises. You grab your papers and lab coat and walk to the cafeteria. You grab a cup of coffee then walk over to the interns. "Okay listen up. Both of the Shepherds, Grey, and I are going to preform a tumor removal." you say. "What's the big deal about a tumor?" Shane says.

"Glad you asked." you say. You pull out the scans from your stack of papers. You then hold it up. "This is a stage 3 Glioblastoma in a child." you say. You hand the scans to Wilson and she passes it around the table. "We are going to need help. Which one of you would like to be on the dream team?" you say while smiling. All the interns sit up and listen to you. "Who's been here all night?" you ask. "I'm going to pick 2 interns and you two will be switching out." you say. "Let's go to the skills lab." you say while taking the scans out their head.

The interns then get up and follow you to skills lab. They all find a chair and sit down. You place your look of coffee and white coat on the desk. You pull in the white board that was on the side. You grab a marker and write "Glioblastoma." "Who knows how many people yearly survive Giloblastomas?" you say. Everyone then raises their hand. After they answer questions you hand everyone a pencil. "Steadiest hands wins." you say. Interns drop their pencil back to back. The last 3 standing are Stephanie, Shane, and Heather. "Wilson, keep walking through and out the door. Other interns make a little bit of noise." you tell them.

They then do your instructions which make Heather drop the pencil. "I guess we have our two winners." you say. "Let's go." you tell Stephanie and Shane. Y'all then walk to the other lab where both dr. Shepherds are. You also see Dr. Grey holding the timer. "Okay. We got Edwards. And we got Ross. I guess." you say. "What are y'all doing?" you say moving towards them. "Trying to carefully move the tu-" Derek says but then the light goes off. "Damn it!" Derek yells.

"Edwards and Ross, go get everyone coffee and food. Now." you say. Stephanie and Ross then run out to get your food. "It's okay derek." you say while standing next to him. "I can't do this." Derek says while rubbing his hair back. "I'm too stressed out. First my clinical trial, then my baby. Now this." Derek says clearly stressed out. "You have a baby?" Amelia says while laughing. "JUST SHUT UP AMELIA!" Derek yells. Everyone then looks at Derek in shock. You grab Dereks arm and walk him out the lab. "If you don't think you could do this take it out on me, don't take it out on your sister Derek!" you say.

"You don't even know Amelia. Did she tell you how she was a addict that just came out of recovery." Derek yells. "Don't do the surgery then." you say clearly irritated with Derek. You walk back into the lab. "I'll help you. I know all about the brain." you say. "Okay." Amelia says. Me and Amelia then go over the whole plan 3 times. You only made the light go off once. Shane and Stephanie watch as y'all do it. "Good job." Amelia says. "One more time?" you say. "Okay." Amelia says. You and Amelia then do the procedure one more time on the mannequin. While your doing it you get a page. 911 for the child with the tumor.

"Read that Edwards." you say while putting the fake tumor out. "Tumor kid is seizing." Stephanie says. You and Amelia drop your instruments. You grab your pager from steph. "Let's go!" you yell. You all then start running to the kids room. "Let's get him to the OR." Amelia says. You then unlock the gurney and roll him to the OR. You then get into the elevator with the patient in the bed. You take out your high bun and tie it into a low bun. You pull out your scrub cap and tie it on. "Are you ready for this?" Amelia says. "Yes." you say confidently. You then start going over the procedure in your head. The elevator dings and yall rush him into OR 4.

You watch as they put him under. You, Amelia, and Stephanie are in the scrub room. Amelia then puts her hands on her hips like a superhero.

You and Stephanie then copy Amelia and y'all stand there for a minute

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You and Stephanie then copy Amelia and y'all stand there for a minute. "We got this. Superhero power." Amelia says. You all start scrubbing in. You all get gloved and start the surgery. Lexie is holding the suction while Stephanie and Shane pass you and Amelia the instruments. Amelia makes the first cut. She then takes a piece of the skull out where the tumor is. "It's grown." you say. "Yes. We have to get this as fast but efficiently as possible." Amelia says. You then grab the laser and start cutting around the tumor.

You and Amelia then realize the tissue is more fried than we thought about 3 hours into surgery. "Okay. Be careful." Amelia says. You slowly cut around the tumor which takes about a hour. "Suction there lex." you say. You then go around the tumor one more time. It's another 2 hours until you and Amelia figure out how to remove it. "Okay. Got it. Let's just remove it from the back to the front." you say. "Good idea." Amelia says. You grab a scalpel and cut the back of the tumor trying to avoid blood veins. It takes you 3 hours to carefully cut around the whole tumor. You then grab the tumor with the pickups and place it in the bucket.

"We did it!" you say happily. "Yes we did." Amelia says. You step back and watch as Amelia puts the skull flap back on and closes the head. You and Amelia then stretch your legs and take a deep breathe. You throw your gloves into the basket and meet Shane and Edwards in the hall. "Good job today. Make sure his vitals do not change. If they do wake me. I'll be laying on an empty gurney." you say. You then walk close to the peds floor and see an empty gurney. You slowly climb on top of it and close your eyes.

While your sleep Arizona sees you laying in the hallway. She smiles at you and then walks the other way. You sleep for a good little while. You then wake up and sit up. You stand up and stretch only to see you have missed pages. You grab your jacket and run as fast as you can to the patients room. You then see Amelia call time of death. "Damn it!" you say as you hit the wall. "He must've threw a clot that we didn't see y/n. It's not your fault." Amelia says. "Good work. All of you." Amelia says as she walks the other way.

You watch as they zip the body of the innocent child up. "Nice work from both of you. Edwards you have a good chance at Neuro. I don't know about you." you tell Shane and Stephanie. You go find an empty on call room to fall asleep. You then sit down on the bed and take off your shoes. While your taking off your shoes Arizona walks in. "Are you stalking me?" you say. "Y/n, I already have proven it to you. I came back for you!" Arizona says. "After you broke up with me?" you say. "I'm sorry." Arizona says. "Look Arizona, you keep hurting me. You need to tell me the things I do wrong. You just run from every situation. You coming back isn't proving anything to me." you say. "Y/n." Arizona says. You put your shoes back on and get up. "Prove it or just forget me." you say. You walk out the room and shut the door.

You then go to the residents lounge and lay on the benches. You just lay there staring at the ceiling when all your friends walk in. "Hey y/n." they all say. "Hey y'all." you say while getting up. "Where y'all going?" you ask. "Joe's." Jackson says. "Okay! I'm coming!" you say. You grab your hoodie and change out of your dirty scrub shirt. You then grab your pants and change. You grab your bag and follow your friends out the building to Joe's.

After that whole day you keep doing the same routine for a whole month until your birthday.

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