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You wake up at 2 in the morning on Alex's couch with slob all over your face. You pager is going off 911. You hear Cristina and Alex running down the stairs. "Get up y/n!" Alex says. "Gross." you say while sitting up. You wipe the slob off with your hand. You stand up and look around. You go upstairs to your old room. You grab another old pair of scrubs. Your about to throw up. You grab your trash can and start puking. "LETS GO Y/N, IT WAS A 911!" Cristina yells.

You wipe your face off and run down the stairs. You all get in your car. You lay down in the backseat. Alex is driving. "I feel sick." you say. "You took a shot of tequila and a shot of vodka at the same time. No wonder you feel sick." Cristina says. We get to the hospital. We go into the ER. "There was a small plane crash. The pilot landed on the highway and there's gonna be a lot of blood and bruises." Bailey says. "Dr. Bailey, I seem to be recovering from a little hangover." you say. "Go give yourself a banana bag, then help out." Bailey says.

You go find a empty patient room with a chair. You get yourself the banana bag. You sit on the chair and try poking yourself with the needle. You can't poke the needle. You then hear a knock on the door. "I thought you had Sofia tonight?" you tell Arizona. "She's at Callie's. Y/n, what are you doing?" Arizona says. "Trying to give myself a banana bag." you say. Arizona takes your arm and pokes out a vein. "Hey, who was that girl with you in the supply closet?" Arizona says while poking you with the needle.

"What girl?" you say. "Oh, I don't know. She was short, had a ponytail." Arizona says. "I don't know what your talking about?" you say clearly confused. "Cut it with the bullshit y/n. Are you cheating on me?" Arizona says while putting the bandaid over the needle. "No Arizona, what the hell is wrong with you?" you say. "I saw you leave the supply closet with some girl. You were wet and stinky, I also saw you wrap your arm around her neck." Arizona says. "You we're hanging out with 2 girls." Arizona says.

"Oh my god, are you jealous?" you say. "Just who were they?" Arizona asks. "The one in the lobby was Vic, I was with her today." you say. "Why were you with her?" Arizona says. "Bailey sent me to Station 19 to help them out with flu shots." you say. "What about the other girl?" Arizona says. "Andrea, Andy. I saved her father. She was in the supply closet cause she was crying and she didn't want everyone to see her." you say. "Why did you wrap your hand around her?" Arizona asks. "Oh my god Arizona. Your jealousy is a bitch isn't it?" you say irritatedly. Arizona storms out and you just sit there with the banana bag in your arm. After about a hour it finally empties.

You take the needle out your arm and go to the ER. "Johnson! They need help in trauma room 3!" Tyler says. You put your gloves on and go in there. Arizona and Derek are already in there. You look at the patient to see a piece of metal going through their head. You start panicking and hyperventilating. "Y/n breathe." Derek says. "Derek." you say while hyperventilating. "I can't do this. I just can't." you say while walking out. "Brooks, they need help in trauma room 3." you say while walking past her. You run out the ER doors and sit on the bench outside. When you panic you do that thing with your leg. Your leg is bouncing up and down really fast.

You get yourself together. You walk into the E.R. "Dr. Johnson, they are calling you to O.R 4." Tyler says. You check your pager to see it's dead. You quickly go change the battery. You tie your hair back into a low bun and put your scrub cap on. You grab a mask and then walk into O.R 2. "Someone page me?" you say. "Come scrub in and help us." Derek says while looking up at you. "Dr. Shepherd.. I can't." you say. "Why not y/n?" Derek says. "Derek, you know why." you say. "That patient was me. Me in the woods with the metal through the head." you say.

"I JUST CANT DEREK!"you yell. You then get a notification on your phone. "What is it y/n?" Derek says while suctioning. "Someone by the name of Pegasus is buying the hospital. We have a meeting at 1." you say. "I'm going to do research." you say. You leave the OR and go to the nurses desk. Your typing when you see the Dr. Webber. "Chief!" you say. "Not the chief anymore. What's up?" Webber says. "What do you know about this Pegasus sir?" you say. "Pegasus owns half of the hospitals in the country. Why?" Webber says.

"They're buying the hospital." you say. "Torres!" Webber yells. "Sir?" Callie says while walking to you two. "I have an idea. Both of you are gonna come with me. We are going on a road trip." Richard says. "Where exactly sir?" you say. "The closest Pegasus hospital." Richard says. "We have a meeting at 12 sir." you say. "Can't you two skip it?" Richard says. "I guess." Callie says. "Meet in the parking lot in 15." Richard says walking away. "I guess we are going on a road trip." you say.

You go to the residents lounge and change into regular clothes. Your walking when you pass Meredith. "Callie and I are not going to be at the meeting." you say. "Why?" Meredith asks. "I'll tell you later." you say. You go to the park lot. You see Richard and Callie at a car. "Time to hit the road." Richard says. You get in the backseat. You, Callie, and Richard drive about a hour out of Seattle to a Pegasus hospital. "Richard is gonna be the patient, y/n, be the daughter or something." Callie says. Y'all walk into the hospital.

"Hello, i am.... Calliope P-plantain." Callie says. "Im Hannah Plantain!" you say with a smile. "And im j-Julio Plantain." Richard says. "Our father is having chest pains." Callie says. The nurse then shows us to the ER. Your looking around. You pull the curtain to see a big face of someone ugly. "Ahh!" you scream. "What happened?" Callie says. "That happened." you say while pointing. A doctor ends up coming over and checking "Julio" out. After you guys finish you all get coffee. "Calliope Torres? Is that you?" A voice says. You look up to see someone walking towards you.

You get a text from your phone and look down to open your phone and read it.

"Baileys about to  quit,  we have to do something fast." Meredith text.

"I'm at a Pegasus hospital right now, its like freaking unicorn gumdrops here." you text back. Callie and Richard are still talking to this group of people.

"Do you approve of Pegasus or not?" Meredith texts.

"Wait mer." you say.

"Any job openings in Seattle?" The doctor says. "I'm afraid not. We have to get going. See you soon." Callie says. She grabs Richard and your arm and we walk to the parking lot. You get in the car and arrive back at Seattle at night. "Callie, Baileys about to quit." you say. "We can't let Pegasus buy the hospital." Callie says. "So we quit." you say. "Y/n, your a 5th year. Your not even an attending yet." Callie says. "Okay true, but if you and Derek quit, they won't find quick enough replacements for you." you say.

"Plus, they wouldn't dare loose Cristina and I. We practically are the best 5th year residents." you say. "Everyone should be in the hospital." Callie says. You and Callie walk into the hospital together. You go to the attendings lounge to meet with everyone for the plane crash. "We can't let Pegasus buy the hospital." Callie says. "They are torturing people at those hospitals." you add. "So what? We quit now?" Derek says. "We find a way to buy the hospital. But the deal closes tomorrow morning." you say. "Then we quit." Meredith says.

"We just can't go behind Owens back. I'm telling him what we are about to do." Cristina says. "You can't tell him Cristina! None of us can talk about it." you say. "We only talk about it through us 5." you say. "Ok." Everyone says except for Cristina. "Okay Cristina?" you say. "Whatever." Cristina says. You all walk to the conference room dramatically in slow motion.

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