One step at a time.

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You wake up the next morning a little before Cristina. You get up and grab your little walker. You try standing up while holding onto the water. Arizona walks in at the perfect time. Your about to fall but Arizona catches you. "What are you doing?" Arizona says while sitting you back on the bed. "I want to walk. I want to do surgery!" you say. "You just had surgery a few days ago y/n." Arizona says. "I just want to walk." you say while crying.

"Ok ok." Arizona says. She then helps you stand up again. You hold onto the walker while Arizona holds you up. You then start taking small steps while Arizona holds you up as you take your steps. "Good job baby." Arizona says. Arizona holds you up as you guys walk into the hallway. "Want to do a lap around the hall?" Arizona asks. You nod your head. Arizona then helps you as you guys walk around the hallway. After you finish Arizona helps you walk back to your room. "Wait stop." you say. You and Arizona stop. You leave the walker in the hallway far from your room. "Let's go." you say.

Arizona still holding you up while you take your little steps back to your room. Arizona then helps you sit on your bed. "How you feeling?" Arizona says. "I'm fine." you say while putting your legs under the cover. Arizona sits on the edge of the bed. She holds your hands. She kisses your passionately on your lips leaving her red lipstick mark. Arizona then gets paged. "I got to go." Arizona says while getting up. You open your laptop and look at the date. "We are half way through our 4th year!" you tell Cristina. "Wait what!" Cristina says.

Meredith,Jackson,and April then come in. "Wait, your cleared for surgery!" you ask Meredith. "Yep." Meredith says while sitting in the couch. "Bitch! That's not fair!" you say. "You technically were in a coma for a week." Meredith says while eating her salad. "Have y'all had any cool surgeries?" you ask them. "Hair ball." April says. "Hair ball?" you say while sitting up. "Yep." April says. You all just talk for a while. Jackson and April are not talking to eachother though. "Are y'all okay?" you ask. "Of course." They say at the same time.

After a hour of talking they all leave. Bailey comes in with a wheelchair. "I want to show you something." Bailey says. She helps you get in the wheelchair. She then rolls you to an OR gallery. She rolls you up to the window so you could see. "Are they removing worms!" you say. "Yep." Bailey says while sitting down. "Woah." you say. "That's a long worm." you say. "This is why we need more general surgeons." Bailey says.

"Did you really pull me out of my room to persuade me into general bailey!" you say. "Look, I overheard someone say your into neuro now." Bailey says. "Dr. Bailey!" you say while laughing. You and Bailey start bursting out laughing. "Ya know, I just wish to do both." you say while looking down. "Neuro is fun Bailey! I mean, we remove big tumors!" you say. "I know, just think about it." Bailey says. You watch as they finish the surgery. She rolls you back to your room. "I could discharge you next week. You can get back to work the week after, but you have to go easy for at least 2 weeks." Bailey says.

"But-" you start saying. "No buts. Make sure you eat and I'll be back in 2 hours to check your labs." Bailey says while walking out. You stare into the hallway watching as people keep walking by. Arizona comes in with food. "I can't eat. I will barf." you say while laughing. "Try eating." Arizona says while sitting on the side of your bed. You look at food and think about throwing up. "No." you say while pushing it away. "Okay, Anyways. We should talk." Arizona says. "What's up?" you say while sitting up. "Well.." Arizona starts saying.

"Are you breaking up with me? Oh my god, did you cheat on me!" you start panicking. "I would never cheat on you y/n no matter what." Arizona says. "Oh." you say. You grab your cup and start drinking water while Arizona talks to you. "I was wondering if you wanted to move in with me?" Arizona says straight forward. You spit the water right out of your mouth. Arizona then gets a 911 page. You are so relieved as Arizona runs out. You stand up and walk to the little closet thing. You grab you a extra gown and change. You wipe the water off the tray.

Alex,Meredith, and Cristina come in. Crisitna was getting some new scans and meeting with the therapist to clear her for surgery. "What happened in here?" Alex asks while sitting on the edge of your bed. Cristina goes and sits in her bed. You sit up. "Arizona asks me to move in with her." you tell them. "Wait what." Alex says. "Are you gonna do it?" Meredith asks. "I don't know." you say. "Are you kidding me y/n! She was the one who put you on that plane." Cristina says. "That doesn't mean I have to blame her. She was grieving and I was just being a supportive girlfriend!" you tell Cristina.

"She almost killed you." Cristina says while laughing. Alex and Meredith are just watching you two go back and forth. "Didnt your husband or whatever the hell he is put all of us on that plane?" you tell Cristina. "If we are putting blame on ANY of this shit it's on your husband, boyfriend, sneaky link, or whatever. YOUR HUSBAND COST THE LIFE OF LEXIE AND MARK IS BARELY HANGING ON!" you say while yelling. "DONT you ever blame shit on my healthy relationship when yours is barely hanging on." you say. "Okay that's enough!" Meredith says.

"Alex, take her out of here." Meredith says. Alex holds you up and walks you out of the room. He then grabs a wheelchair and helps you sit in it. "Come on, we are going to look at babies." Alex says while rolling your wheelchair. You clearly pissed off. Whenever your mad you can't control your emotion. Your whole face describes your mood. Alex then rolls you to go see the nursery. You then look at all the babies. "Are you and Wilson going to have a baby?" you say. "I haven't been thinking about babies since Izzie." Alex says.

You and Alex talk and laugh. "What about you and Arizona?" Alex asks. "I'm not sure. Kids are hard responsibility. Plus Arizona already has a kid with Callie and Mark." you say. "I want to be the cool uncle!" Alex says. You start laughing. "The cool uncle gets weird after a certain age Alex." you say while laughing. Alex and you talk for a while. He then rolls you back to your room. Cristina and Meredith are still talking. "I can't stay in there with her. I will fucking kill her." you say. "Want me to see if you can get a different room?" Alex says. "Nah. I should be fine." you say. Alex rolls you into the room and helps you on the bed.

You go on your phone and put your headphones on. Meredith taps you on the shoulder. You slide your headphones down. "What's up?" you say. "Are you moving in with Arizona or not!" Meredith says. "I don't know. I want to, but that means I'm leaving Alex. But I still want to keep my old room." you say. "Just take one step at a time." Meredith says while smiling. You start thinking as Meredith leaves. You look over at Cristina who's facing the wall. You go on your phone and text Arizona.

"One step at a time." you text Arizona.

"So is that a yes?" Arizona responds.

"If you want to put it that way I guess." you say.

Arizona sends a bunch of smiling emojis. You put your phone down and go to sleep.

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