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You wake up the next day to someone pulling your hair. "Hi Zo." you say while sitting up. Zola then rolls off the bed and hits her head. You jump up really quick. Zola then starts crying. You rock Zola. "Shhh." you say. You then lay Zola on your big teddy bear so she doesn't hurt herself. You remember you bought Zola some matching clothes. You then put your clothes on first. You then tie your hair back into a messy ponytail. You do Zola's hair really quickly.

 You do Zola's hair really quickly

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You then put your shoes on. You pick Zola up and go downstairs. You sit her in the high chair and put her bib on. "I'll be right back Zo." you say. You walk up the stairs and grab her diapers and wipes and blankets and stuff. You then stuff it in your old bookbag. You walk back downstairs. You then give Zola some crackers. You make an extra bottle and stick it in the side of the bag. You then look in the little closet under the stairs for a stroller. You see this old stroller and you pull it out.

You place if by the door and clean Zola up. You then get a text from the lawyer.

"Where should we meet?" The lawyer texts.

"I'm heading to the hospital. So yea. I guess meet me in the lobby?" you text the lawyer.

"Sounds great! I'll be there at 12." The lawyer texts.

You put your phone in your hoodie pocket. You pick Zola up. You grab the backpack with her things in it and the stroller at the front door. You sit Zola in the grass. You hook up the car seat in the backseat. You then pick Zola back up and put her in the car seat. You put the straps on tightly. You pick up the stroller and put it in the trunk. You then get in the car and open the roof. You start the car and drive to the hospital.

Once you get to the hospital you park. You grab the stroller from your trunk and you set it up. You then pick Zola up and put her in the stroller. You hand her one of her toys. You then roll the stroller into the lobby. You then start rolling Zola around the hospital. You walk into the cafeteria and see Derek and Meredith. You then roll Zola over there towards them. "There's my baby girl!" Derek says while taking Zola out the stroller. "What surgery are you guys doing?" you say while sitting down. Before they answer Lexie walks over towards y'all. "Y/n, can we talk?" Lexie says.

"Sure." you say. You then get up and follow Lexie into the hallway. "About the other day.." Lexie starts saying. "I'ma stop you right there. I don't want to hear about the sex between you and Mcsteamy." you say. "No, ya see. I broke his um." Lexie starts saying. "His what Lex?" you ask. "His man part." Lexie says. "You broke Mcsteamys penis?" you say. Lexie nods. You start laughing. "Damn Lex. Oh my gosh. How hard did you ride him Lexie!" you say out loud. "Shut up!" Lexie says clearly embarrassed. "I mean, is he okay? you ask.

"About that. He's in room 3121, can you go check on him for me? I'm embarrassed." Lexie says. "I have a meeting with my lawyer and I'm babysitting Zola." you say. "I'll watch Zola when you go to your lawyer and then you can check on Mark for me!" Lexie says. "Just go talk to him Lex." you say. "Y/n! Please." Lexie begs. "Fine." you say. "Remember room 3121!" Lexie says while walking away. You walk back into the cafeteria. "Our surgery is at 1." Derek says while putting Zola back in the stroller. "Okay. I'll be in the gallery at 1." you say. "Say bye Zola." you say while pushing her away.

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